From George Onyejiuwa, Owerri


The Parish Priest of Sacred Heart Parish, Ihie-Umuapu Ohaji of the Catholic Archdiocese of Owerri, Rev Fr. Celestine Kakie Anyanwu, was yesterday invested with the honorific title of Monsignor which makes him as a Papal chaplin of the Catholic Church by the Archbishop of Owerri Metropolitan Archdiocese, His Grace Lucius Iwejuru Ugorji.

The Fr Anyanwu’s investiture as Monsignori was preceded by a Holy Mass celebrated by Archbishop Ugorji and held at the Assumpta Cathedral, Owerri,

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Speaking at the special Mass, Archbishop Ugorji extolled Rev Monsignor Anyanwu for his dedication to the church and humanity and prayed the Almighty God to continue sustaining him in the priestly vocation.

Rev Monsignor Anyanwu who expressed his gratitude to God, said: “To the Glory of God, sincere gratitude to my ecclesiastical superiors, His Grace, the Emeritus Archbishop, Most Rev Anthony J.V Obinna, His Grace, Most Rev Lucius Iwejuru Ugorji and His Lordship Most Rev Moses Chikwe (Auxiliary Bishop) for their recommendation, approval and trust, to the Holy Father respect and love and to my brother priests, blessing to all.”

Rev Msgr Celestine Kakie Anyanwu who was born in Umuokirika Ekwereazu in Ahiazu Mbaise, was a former Religious Director, Religious Program, St Gabriel Church, New York, USA (1997- 2008), Associate Pastor, St Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother East Elmhurst, New York (1996-2008) and Weekend Ministry, St Francis of Assisi Church, Astoria Queens (1998- 2006.)