From Isaac Anumihe, Abuja

The Federal Government has condemned the constant rivalry among security agencies, which, sometimes, leads to killings.

Speaking when he paid a courtesy visit to the Acting Guards Brigade Commander, Colonel Olusegun Adebisi Onasanya, in Abuja,
FCT Commandant of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), Olusola Odumosu, sought for more collaboration for effective security coverage of the country.

“If we at our levels can enjoy so much co-operation and synergy, there’s a need to pass the same information to the lower rungs of the ladder too.

“My visit to you is more or less to fulfil customs and traditions. As far as I am concerned, we already have a good working relationship and I am enjoying maximum co-operation and synergy from you already.

“However, the visit is also an opportunity for me and my men to get acquainted with your men and familiarise with one another as we shall be meeting on the field in the course of our job”, he added.

Odumosu, while thanking the Commander, Guards Brigade for receiving him, his officers and men, commended the Nigerian Army for its maturity and camaraderie which has resulted in a long-standing good relationship with the NSCDC.

The commandant noted that the Civil Defence Corps owed its evolution to the military especially, the Nigerian Army.

He pointed out that Civil Defence came into existence during the Nigerian Civil War of the 60s, when there was a need to educate and train civilians on self-defence and protective measures in the case of eventualities of the war.

He added that by the time the corps became a full-fledged paramilitary organisation, the core of the training of the NSCDC was basically from the army.

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“The two agencies have come a long way and should continue to collaborate more effectively and progressively for the safety of lives and property of Nigerians and other residents in the country.

“We are a product of the military, directly or indirectly”, Odumosu said.

The commandant solicited more collaboration in the areas of operations and training for his men from the Brigade of Guards Commander. He reiterated that, with more training and retraining programmes in place, all security agencies in the sub-sector will be able to operate and co-operate more efficiently without anyone lagging behind in the latest operational tactics.

Odumosu said that his mission to make the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) free of vandals of critical infrastructure such as manhole covers, street lights, and traffic lights amongst other criminalities cannot be done in isolation of other security agencies, hence, the necessity for the courtesy visit.

In his response, the Brigade of Guards Commander appreciated the courtesy visit and stated that the visit is a mark of continuous synergy and inter-agency collaborations already existing among all the security agencies in the FCT.

He noted that there are already joint operations between the Civil Defence, other paramilitary agencies and the Nigerian Army which has been responsible for the downward trends of crimes and security threats in the FCT.

In response to the NSCDC’s request for training, the Brigade Commander promised to consult with the Defence Headquarters immediately and find out how the training of the NSCDC personnel will be undertaken.

“If I need to consult, I will consult; If I need to get permission or approval from the top, I will, but the training will be effected”, Onasanya promised.

He assured the FCT Commandant that, from time to time, enlightenment will be intensified among the junior cadres of the Nigerian army to foster a healthier relationship with the NSCDC and other security agencies so as to enhance a unified front for the security of the nation.

While wishing Odumosu and his team a very successful tenure at the FCT, he said that the visit is highly necessary for the officers of both agencies to meet for a better understanding of each other, stating that, the era of one agency doing it alone is over.

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