From Desmond Mgboh, Kano

A Federal High Court sitting in Kano, Thursday evening, granted an ex- parte motion restraining the Kano State Government from reinstating Emir Muhammadu Sanusi II.

The case was filed by a title holder in the Kano Emirate Council, Aminu Babba Dan Agundi against Kano State Government, Kano State House of Assembly and the Speaker of the Kano State House of Assembly,

Also joined as 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th respondents in the case are the Attorney General of the State, Kano State Commissioner of Police, Inspector General of Police and Department of State Security.

“That parties are hereby ordered to maintain status quo ante the passage and assent of the bil into pending the hearing of the fundamental Rights applications” the court held


In view of maintaining peace and security in the state, the court specifically granted an interim order restraining the 5th to 8th respondents from enforcing , executing , implementing and operationalising the Kano State Emirate Law


The court further held that in view of the constitutional and jurisdictional issues apparent on the face of the application, parties shall address the court on same at the hearing of the fundamental right application slated for June 3rd. 2024


The court also granted leave to the Plaintiff/Applicant to issue and serve their Concurrent Originating Motion as well as all other court processes on the 6th defendant (IGP) in FCT Abuja and outside the jurisdiction of the Honourable Court.


The court subsequently adjourned the case to the 3rd June ,2024 for hearing of the application on fundamental rights.

It could be recalled that the Kano State Government had on the same Thursday at about 5.16 pm, reinstated the former Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi 11 as the new Emir of Kano.

Kano State Governor, Abba Kabir Yusuf had announced his reinstatement after consulting with the king makers of the Emirate Council as prescribed by tradition.


He , on that occasion, had signed the new Kano Emirate Council Law 2024 following the passage of the law by the Kano State House of Assembly earlier in the morning.


Yusuf had declared that all appointments made in accordance with the repelled Kano Emirate Council Law have been voided while noting that all the five Emirs, namely of Kano, Rano,Gaya Karaye and Bichi who were appointed under the repelled Kano Emirate Law had been relieved of the positions and ranks.


The Governor had given the deposed Emirs 48 hours to vacate their offices and palaces , ordering them to hand over all official property belonging to the emirates to the Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Aminu Abdussalam Gwarzo.


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