Hajia Fatima Muhammadu Buhari, a development expert, has joined the Board of Trustees of the Chartered Institute of Forensics and Certified Fraud Examiners of Nigeria (CIFCFEN).  The investiture, which took place recently at ANAN House, Abuja also witnessed the second direct induction of 17 members to the Institute.

Hajia Fatima holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Masters degrees in Business Administration and Human Resource Management from University of Northampton, UK as well as post-graduate diplomas in other fields. She is at present a Doctoral student of Marketing at Nasarawa State University, Keffi.   Speaking at the ceremony, CIFCFEN’s President/Chairman of Council, Dr. Iliyasu Gashinbaki said Buhari is coming on board with a wealth of experience garnered from the public sector and international organisations, which would rub off positively on the Institute.

“She has been engaged in working in the development space and extensive experience with development partners. With the wisdom of the board, we found it necessary for more women to be admitted to the board. This is in tandem with international best practices of having gender balance on every board and we want to lead by example.”   

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Responding, the new board member thanked the institute for considering her worthy of the appointment. She pledged to justify the confidence reposed in her.

The Chartered Institute of Forensics and Certified Fraud Examiners of Nigeria (CIFCFEN) is established by Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN) to provide core professionals in the specialized fields of Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination in Nigeria.

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