“Prof, someone gave me a cola-nut during a burial in my village and I ate it and later testified to the good work of God on how I was freed through the use of your oil; something very strange happened in my in-law’s place last week. I went there with the remaining oil to pray for my father-in-law who has been bedridden for years.  After praying for him, I anointed him with the oil and left, this happened about 7pm and at about 3am (early morning) a mighty snake came out of his bedroom from nowhere and died. The same morning, my father-in-law stood up from the sick bed and became healed. Join us to thank God for this miracle, a man that has been sick for 10 years… God bless you sir.”

– Bro Linus Dike, [email protected]

Many of them that believed, received the Holy Ghost and when Simon saw that through the laying on of hands, the Holy Ghost was given, he was tempted to offer bribe in order to obtain the gift of God as some of our present-day men of God have sold themselves to the devil only to attain material opulence and gain vain popularity.

I weep for this generation because they do not know and lack the spiritual insight to differentiate between the works of darkness from that of God. A situation in which a man of God was instructed to sleep in a coffin or casket for a week only to obtain the satanic power of vision and prophesy is a bugaboo and an affront to the principles of divinity.

A man of God  seeking freedom recently spoke to me that he was deceived by one of his friends to search for power from a wrong source and he was instructed by the occult guru to sleep in a coffin for seven days and being amazed of how he was going to sleep in a casket for seven days, the evil man consequently informed him that the seven days will just appear to him like an hour and half, promising to assist him to put him into sleep (hypnotism) and guiding him in the dream state. By dream state, the occultist was referring to his conscious experience in the casket, which he (the occult man) was going to make to appear as a mere dream.

According to the man of God, the occultist gave him something to drink after much incantation; he thereafter drank it and consequently went to sleep inside the casket. He woke up after one hour and half, which was equal to seven days in the physical calculation. According to him, he was empowered in the realm of the spirit by evil spirits to perform signs and wonders through prophesy and vision.

The funny thing is that his lifespan was reduced. In his words, “I was given the power that I was looking for. I am 45 years old now and I have only one more year to live now, in accordance with our agreement. Please, sir, is there a way God can destroy this and extend my life on earth? I am ready to serve him now…”

Here was a man who started the ministry as a true servant of God now ending as an agent of darkness. He has made money, name, gotten enough material things but his soul is on daily demand by the evil powers he sold it to. He was expected to die before March 2013 and I had to minister to him and, by the grace of God, the evil powers never had power over his victory in Christ.

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So many preachers have sold themselves into the hands of the enemy in one way or the other. As I am writing this, I received a call from one of my close friends whose wife visited a “pastor” who saw clearly what is happening in the secret and family life of my friend and offered cutting his body with blade in order to rub a demonic substance as solution to what he saw. Another person informed me that he took some prayer group to his house in the village, only for them to exhume buried charms prepared with fresh egg, some part of goat meat still bleeding, and fresh coin all of which have been inside the earth for over 15 years. Deception!

Where in the Bible or during Christ’s ministry on earth did you hear of exhumation of charms? I shall expose the process involved in exhumation of charms and amulets in this column to enable the children of God be at alert. As Peter rebuked Simon saying, “Thy money perish with thee…” and Simon demanded for prayer for his freedom, so shall all those involved in this manipulation be humbled by the true power of God and be set free from evil powers, Act 8:9-24. In continuation of the ongoing manipulation inherent in many religious centres in connection with false solution, so many souls are already carried into the abode of destruction.

A man recently called me and informed me that he visited a native doctor for a solution to his problems and the native doctor applied some substance on his body and asked him to sleep in time to enable his healing to be effected completely. Consequently, the man did as was instructed, in his dream he saw many things that amazed him and at about 5:30am he woke up from sleep and noticed an Arabic inscription on his left leg. Beginning from that day to the present moment his health condition became worse to the extent that he was patronizing healing homes for the solution to his problem.

As he intensified his effort in search of solution, he started noticing a serious object crawling all over his body; this made him feel very uncomfortable. His encounter with the native doctor truly devastated his entire life and made his business a laughing stock.

He started noticing a serious setback in his business to the extent that he was living a confused life not knowing whether to live or die. It was a serious attack against a man who only was seeking for a solution for his problem. Few weeks ago, he read my column and enjoyed the testimonies.

He consequently decided to try the anointing oil and when he used it for his prayer, the Lord revealed to him how the native doctor stole his blessings and buried same inside the earth. He kept praying and the Lord again opened his eyes and showed him what was done against his life. He used the oil and anointed his family house where the native doctor had buried some satanic materials.

After anointing the house the following day the native doctor noticed the effect of the power of God through the anointing oil, and was forced to expose his dirty activities against the brother. Today, the man is born again and all the evil plans thwarted, to the glory of God. The point I am making here is that people should be very careful who they meet for solution to their problems, for so many agents of the devil are here and there. When a shepherd has a separate time-table from that of God, he automatically becomes a worker of iniquity and the source of his inspiration and power becomes an abomination before the good Lord of creation.

Today, we are witnessing a great deal of ministries who from time to time emphasize miracles. But what they do in turn is magic. God is the worker of miracles, while Satan and his agents no, matter the title they bear, are workers of iniquity.

I truly want to inform my readers here that through laying on of hands by agents of darkness who operate their occult centres as Christian churches, some have been initiated and contaminated by evil powers.

They have also contacted so many demonic powers that have ruined them. In the same vein and through the laying on of hands, some real men of God (as is evident in Acts 19:6) have been used by God to heal and deliver so many souls.

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