By Maduka Nweke

The Managing Director/CEO Esso Properties Limited, and the Director, ISMT St. Salomon University, Cotonou wDr. Smith Ezenagu was recently given an award and Instrument of Commendation by the All African Students Union.

While presenting the award to Ezenagu at the company’s head office in Awoyaya, Lagos, the President of the Union, Mr. Osisiogu Osikenyi said the Union singled out Ezenagu for the award ‘’because of his lofty strides in delivery of the mandate of Esso Properties Limited, his contributions to human capital development through the Esso Academy and his love for education and visible investments in the ISMT St. Salomon University, Cotonou, Benin Republic.’’

Osikenyi added, ‘’Nigeria alone has over 28million housing deficit and Esso Properties is mitigating this lacuna by availing home ownership solution to Nigerians at home and Diaspora, which is worthy of commendation. In essence, Esso Properties Limited under sterling leadership of Dr. Smith Ezenagu has demystified Property solution with the “currency of credibility” which he has earned over the years by honest dealings and integrity in business.

”Moreover, St. Salomon University contributes towards enhancing access to higher education in Africa by availing more African students’ access. You would agree with me that access is still an issue in a huge population like Nigeria with millions of admission seekers annually.

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While responding at the award presentation which also had the Admissions officer, ISMT St. Salomon University, Cotonou, Mrs. Rita Cholu, Ezenagu said that he was glad that his efforts and contributions towards the development of the housing sector was getting some recognition.

Ezenagu said, ‘’At Esso Properties Limited, we are driven more with passion than profit and we are focused on carving a niche for ourselves as a trusted, reliable and friendly real estate entity, having sufficient general property investment and real estate market experience as well as the requisite knowledge required to undertake property development, with sights on breaking new frontiers in the industry. We are excited that our efforts at making a difference are not in vain.’’

He added, ‘’We are also making our mark in the educational sector and we are glad that ISMT St. Salomon University, Cotonou is fast becoming the preferred choice of University for African students and fulfilling one of its objectives by providing quality education to African students.’’

Ezenagu holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) from Ecole Superieure Sainte Felicite University, Cotonou, Republic of Benin and Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the Rome Business School, Lagos.


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