By Damiete Braide

Frank Ileogben, popularly known as Itom, a multifaceted content creator and storyteller, embarked on his creative journey during the 2020 lockdown, driven by a mix of boredom and a desire to innovate.

Hailing from Benin City, Nigeria, Frank’s passion for storytelling was ignited by childhood experiences with captivating movies and dance performances.


His background in microbiology and environmental health, coupled with a stint in corporate communications, provided him with a unique lens through which he approaches content creation. Frank’s signature style is characterised by seamless transitions, infused with his vibrant personality and a commitment to authentic storytelling. Beyond creating engaging content, Frank also seeks to empower aspiring creators through his video editing courses and community-building initiatives.

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In the heart of Benin City, amidst the bustling streets and vibrant culture, Frank Itom’s journey as a content creator began. The year was 2020, marked by global lockdowns and a palpable sense of ennui. It was during this period that Frank, driven by a potent mix of boredom and a desire to explore untrodden creative paths, dipped his toes into the world of video editing and storytelling. With a background in microbiology and environmental health, Frank’s initial foray into content creation might seem unexpected, but it was rooted in a lifelong passion for impactful narratives—fueled by childhood memories of being enraptured by movies and dance performances.

As Frank’s transition from academia to corporate communications unfolded, so did his evolving relationship with storytelling. From the halls of a university dance group to the boardrooms of a multinational corporation, Frank’s experiences converged into a unique creative vision. “I’ve always had a knack for good movies and stories,” Frank reminisced, a glimmer of nostalgia in his eyes. “Watching a movie and being moved to tears, or feeling excited—it’s like magic. And dance, too, is storytelling in motion. I used to dance not just to perform but to convey stories on stage.” These formative years laid the groundwork for Frank’s eventual leap into content creation, where he seamlessly blends his diverse background with digital tools to craft narratives that resonate.

Amidst the whirlwind of challenges that 2020 brought, social media became both a lifeline and a canvas for expression. Inspired by online trends and the creative pursuits of others, Frank embarked on his first transition video —an endeavor that combined his existing skills with newfound techniques. “I saw these challenges going around,” Frank recounted with a grin, “and thought, why not try something new? I wanted to do transitions differently—to add humor and style.” What emerged was more than just a video; it was the birth of a distinctive storytelling style. Frank’s transitions became his artistic signature, each frame a testament to his vibrant personality and creative ingenuity.

In recent years, Frank’s journey has taken yet another turn; this time towards education and community-building. The launch of his video editing course, “Introduction to Transitions with Frank Itom,” was a natural progression, driven by a deep-seated desire to share knowledge and empower aspiring creators. “Teaching has always been a part of me,” Frank explained, “and when people started asking how I made my videos, I saw an opportunity to bridge that gap.” The course, tailored to both novice and seasoned editors, aims to demystify transitions and offer insights into Frank’s unique approach. Beyond the virtual classroom, Frank’s efforts extend into community building, exemplified by the Frank Itom Movie Club: a haven for movie enthusiasts to connect, discuss, and champion Nollywood content.

Frank Itom’s story is a testament to the transformative power of creativity and the unwavering pursuit of passion. From microbiology to multimedia, from dance floors to digital screens, Frank’s journey epitomises the ethos of storytelling as a universal language —one that transcends boundaries and inspires connection. As he continues to push the boundaries of content creation, Frank remains grounded in his roots, infusing each transition with authenticity and narrative depth. In a world where every frame tells a story, Frank Itom stands as a beacon of creativity, guiding others to explore their own artistic journey.