From Jude Chinedu, Enugu

The General Officer Commanding (GOC) 82 Division of the Nigerian Army, Enugu, Maj. Gen. Hassan Dada has urged Nigerians to live peaceful lives, devoid of terrorism and insurgency.

Dada made the call in his Eid-el-Fitr message to Nigerians shortly after observing the Sallah prayers with hundreds of Muslim faithful at the Eid Prayer Ground, Abakpa Military Cantonment, Enugu, yesterday.

He noted that a peaceful and accommodating life was a divine induction by Almighty Allah as exemplified by the teachings of the Holy month of Ramadan.

The GOC said that peace, accommodation and inclusion were necessary for a progressive and success-focused nation, adding that Nigerians should strive to make the nation the best in the world.

“I want every Nigerian to use the teachings of the Holy month of Ramadan to turn a new leaf and refrain from all manners of evil, trouble-making, terrorism and insurgency, so that we see ourselves as one under Almighty Allah.

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“I want to felicitate with Nigerians in this season of love, peace, blessings and forgiveness of Almighty Allah.

“As the Almighty Allah has forgiven us our shortcomings this season, we should extend such forgiveness to others who may have hurt us and build a peaceful and prosperous nation devoid of bitterness,” he said.

The GOC also appreciated President Bola Tinubu and the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt.-Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja for their support to the Division. He commended the officers and men of the Nigerian Army for their sacrifices to protect the country’s territorial boundaries and their internal security duties that had kept the country as one.

“I want to use this avenue to thank the hard working officers and men of the Division for their sacrifice and commitment to rid the division’s Area of Responsibility (AOR) of renegade and terrorist groups as well as armed criminals. I believe, with the hit on them, soon, peace, which is known in Igbo language as “Udo”, will return permanently in our AOR,” he said.

Earlier, the Chief Imam of 82 Division, Lt.-Col. Husein Eleje, urged Muslim faithful to put to practice all they had learnt through teachings and holy observance during the month of Ramadan.

Eleje said the lessons learnt in Ramadan should guide one to maintain a good relationship with Almighty Allah and his fellow men within his neighbourhood.