From Tony Osauzo, Benin

Edo State Deputy Governor, Philip Shaibu has called on Nigerians to think outside the box in grappling with current economic realities.

This is as  as the Priest of St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Benin City, Very Rev. Fr. Edwin Omorogbe, urged security agencies to ensure the protection of lives and properties.

The duo spoke shortly after, yesterday’s Mass to mark Fathers’ Day where Shaibu was the Mass server.

Shaibu said with the removal of fuel subsidy, Nigerians must think outside the box by engaging in positive ventures to augment their take home pay.

“We need more prayers and hard work. Now, we need to diversify, we need to also look beyond our take-home pay by doing the right thing, by doing other commercial things that can complement our salaries. This is the time to think outside our salaries positively, not to steal, but also this is our time to take advantage of technology. We can trade online. We can do all the things that can compliment our salary, so that the hardships will be minimised.”

The Deputy Governor appreciated fathers and commended them for the roles they play in the society.

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He said if fathers get the right support from mothers, they would build a strong family and the society would be better. He said growth in the society starts from the family, and that if families do the right thing, the society would be good for it.

He urged parents to teach their children the virtues of godliness and moral discipline by teaching them the way of the Lord.

“Mothers should ensure their children understand what fathers are doing to keep the home running. As head of the family, every father should sustain that headship, but not to be autocratic.We must also love our wives, because God said so. Women must also be submissive to their husbands,” he said.

In his homily, Fr. Omoregie stated that God commands us all to honuor our fathers. He quoted from the book of Exodus 20:12; “Honour your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord, your God has given you”.

He called on security agencies to do more in protecting the family, just as he called for respect for all, saying even if not reciprocated, it would exterminate all forms of hatred and ill feeling among people.

   He also used the occasion to call on security agencies to fish out the killers of a young Rev.Fr. Charles Onomhoale Igechi, who was  killed on June 7.

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