Book Review



Title: Echoes of the Mind.(A collection of short stories.)

author: Oluebube Agbedo

publisher:Publishers: (International) Exceller Books of India. ISBN: 978-93-90746-55-2. (Nigeria) Crown Publishers Inc. Lagos ISBN: 978-978-788-206-1

pagination: 216

Year of publication: 2024

reviwer: HDr. Sally N. Adukwu- Bolujoko (PhD) FNIM, OON   


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In the realm of storytelling, there are a few young voices, to me, that have the power to captivate, inspire and transport us into worlds both familiar and unknown. Ebube Agbedo is one such gifted storyteller, whose collection of short stories, “Echoes of the Mind” is a testament to the depths of her fertile imagination and the strength of her engaging narrative prowess.

Centred around the youth, “ Echoes of the Mind” serves as a mirror reflecting the ills of our society. Through her tales, Agbedo fearlessly explores the complexities of human nature, delving into the consequences of both virtuous actions and wicked deeds. Her stories extol the virtues of hard work, foresight, excellence, compassion, diligence and honesty, reminding us of the powerful role of these positive attributes in shaping our lives and the lives of those around us.

Simultaneously, she strongly condemns all forms of dishonesty, bullying/ intimidation of the weak and vulnerable citizens, discriminatory practices and general misconduct, and shedding light on the destructive path it inevitably leads to.

As we journey through the pages of this collection, we are confronted with a range of emotions. Ebube’s characters come alive, their struggles and triumphs resonating with us long after we turn the last page. From the poignant tales of love and loss to the gripping stories of bravery, resilience, redemption and determination to overcome daunting existential odds, each narrative leaves an indelible mark on our hearts and minds.

Agbedo’s narrative style is imbued with a rare blend of wisdom and compassion. She understands the power of storytelling to bring about positive change, to ignite a spark within us that compels us to question the status quo and strive for a better world.

Through her words, she implores us to reflect on our own actions, to consider the ripple effects they may have on the lives of others.

Echoes of the Mind is not merely a collection of short stories. It is a call to action. It challenges us to confront the darkness that exists within ourselves and within our society, and to choose a path that leads to growth and enlightenment.

Prepare to be enthralled, enlightened, and moved by this remarkable collection of life changing stories that will echo within your mind long after you have turned the last page. Some of these enchanting stories, beautifully presented in the ten chapters of the book, with each chapter being dedicated to one story, include; A million Dreams, One Good Turn Deserves Another, The Brave Warrior of Umueze Kingdom, The Homeless Boy and His Troubles, United We Stand, The Young School Girls and Their Bullies, The Rejected Son, among others.

I therefore have the great pleasure to affirm and acknowledge the profundity of this great work and to also whole heartedly recommend same to all lovers of good literature, especially to all schools and colleges passionate about excellence in literary studies and creative writing, as well as to the general public

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