From Magnus Eze, Enugu

The Ebonyi State Government in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has launched a baseline assessment of primary schools in the state.

The survey funded under the USAID State2State project is part of the effort of Governor David Umahi who recently declared a state of emergency on education, to turn around the educational fortune of the state.

At an inception workshop in Abakaliki, Chairman of the Ebonyi State Universal Basic Education Board (EBSUBEB), Chief Hyacinth Ikpor, told participants that “the baseline assessment of primary schools will provide the Board and education stakeholders with data and analysis to support education sector planning and interventions”.

He said the assessment will provide an important tool to achieve the high ambitions of the Governor in the education sector of the state.

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Commissioner for Education, Dr Sunday Nwangele stated that achieving the goals of quality education-for-all requires evidence-based policy formulation.

He urged that beyond the provision of data and analysis, at least one or two of the key findings should be effectively implemented.

On the goals of the survey, Ewah Otu Eleri, Executive Director of Technology for Transformative Development (TTD), implementers of the project, said it “will offer information and analysis on the state of learning by pupils, teacher capabilities and motivation, supervision and monitoring, the state of school infrastructure such as classrooms, school furniture, playgrounds, water and sanitation, as well as power supply”.

He added that it will also provide information on community participation in school management, including the participation of parents and guardians in areas such as homework and ensuring adequate child nutrition.

The baseline assessment will be implemented by TTD in seven Local Government Areas including Abakaliki, Afikpo South, Ebonyi, Ezza South, Ikwo, Ohaozara and Ohaukwu.

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