From Magnus Eze, Enugu

Senior Special Assistant to Governor Francis Nwifuru of Ebonyi State on Internal Security (South), Okenwa Nnachi Uka, has declared that the security challenge facing parts of the country would be greatly curbed if attention was paid to information and intelligence sharing.

 Uka who noted that security of life and property was the primary objective of Government, stressed that information sharing in security management was key to achieving a secured society.

 During his familiarisation tour of police formations in the five local government areas in the Southern zone of the state, he highlighted the need for synergy with the police.

 The governor’s aide toured the seven Police Divisions and two Area Commands in the zone including Unwana in Afikpo LGA, Owutu Edda in Edda LGA, Ishiagu in Ivo LGA, Obiozora in Ohaozara LGA and Isu and Oshiri in Onicha LGA: «I feel there›s need for us to share information in order to properly secure our people. Our Governor, His Excellency Rt. Hon. Francis Ogbonna Nwifuru places high premium on the security of life and property of our people, that’s why in his first appointments, he appointed special assistants on security across the 13 Local Government Areas of the state and thereafter, appointed Senior Special Assistants on Internal Security for Senatorial Zones, which by the Grace of God, I am the one for this zone, which is made up of two Area Commands and seven Divisions. 

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 «I am here because I want us to work together to better secure our people and to also know some of the challenges facing you in the course of your duty. We are the locals. We know the terrain. If we synergize very well, it will be easier for both sides and at the end of the day, we will achieve a peaceful society. If we synergize and share information it will help to prevent most crimes from happening.»

 Not a few of the officers lamented that their operations were hampered because the natives hoarded information from the police.

 However, at the Abaomege Division, SP Ndubuisi Sunday, applauded Gov. Nwifuru for setting up peace and reconciliation committee on the intractable Abaomega/Ishinkwo communal crises.

 Officers at the Abaomege and Unwana Divisions, decried the deplorable working environment and lack of patrol vehicles.

 DPO Ngozi Vitalis of Unwana Division also bemoaned the activities of vigilantes in the area, whom she said, had seemingly taken over the job of the police there.

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