As Christians the world over celebrate Easter, eminent Nigerian leaders have called on the citizens to embrace peace and emulate Christ, the reason for the season.

Chief Whip of the Senate, Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu, urged Nigerians to use the Easter season for sober reflection as individuals and as a nation.

The former Abia State governor, in his message on Friday, urged the Christian faithful to uphold the lessons of the Holy Bible.

According to him, Christians must emulate the exemplary life of Jesus Christ in order to build a decent society.

Describing Easter as a special celebration in commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Kalu called on Christians to pray for the nation and leaders at all levels.

He added that the acts of forgiveness and love must be demonstrated among Nigerians regardless of religious differences.

While noting that leaders must be held accountable for their deeds, Kalu cautioned politicians against heating the polity ahead of the 2023 general elections.

Former Lagos State governor and National Leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC) Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu implored Christians to show compassion, love and selflessness towards one another, virtues which he said Jesus Christ preached and lived for, and for which he gave his innocent life.

Making the appeal in his Good Friday message to Christians, Tinubu said: “Good Friday is a precious opportunity to be thankful to God for His mercy and to focus on Christ’s life of service, sacrifice and compassion towards all. It is a time to reflect on our belief in the Divine and what that means as we go about the conduct of our daily lives.” 

While saying that this year has brought together the sacred days of two of the great Abrahamic religions as Christians commemorate the sacrificial death of Christ, and Muslims are observing the Holy Month of Ramadan ,he added that Nigerians are reminded that  they may be of different religions but yet are of one family serving one God.

Rivers State governor, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike, also felicitated Christians on the celebration of Easter, urging them to emulate Jesus Christ by making sacrifices that will advance the course of development.

In a message signed by the Governor’s Special Assistant on Media, Kelvin Ebiri, Governor Wike said that Easter exemplifies the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesus Christ to save mankind, noting that as individuals, Christians must take into consideration the welfare of others.

He called on the people of Rivers State to re-dedicate themselves to the service of the state as they reflect on the ideals of Good Friday and Easter celebration.

Lagos State governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu congratulated Lagosians, especially Christians in the state on the commemoration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He urged them to emulate His virtues of humility, perseverance and compassion and to continue to live in peace and harmony with believers in other faiths.

Governor Sanwo-Olu in message by his Chief Press Secretary, Gboyega Akosile, implored Nigerians, especially Christians to use the occasion to seek the face of God for continuous peace in Lagos State and an end to insurgency and other insecurity challenges in Nigeria.

On his part, Bauchi State governor, Bala Mohammed, urged Christians to give special glory to God for making it possible for them to witness the festive period in good health and high spirit.

He enjoined the people of the state to bury ethnic, religious or political differences, live in peace and harmony with one another.

Also Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Ondo State Chapter, in a message signed by the state CAN Chairman, Rev. Father Olorunfemi Ologunwa urged Christian faithful to reflect more on their words, attitude and actions regularly and be seen as Christ’s ambassadors at all times.

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