Founder and CEO of E4Luxury Jewellers, Ayodele Donye Samson speaks on his journey into luxury wears.

In this interview with Daily Sun, E4Luxury boss shed more light on his business ideas, challenges and breakthrough.

The name of your Jewellery and Watch company sounds eclectic, how did you come about it? 

E4Luxury Jewellers is coined from the popular name tabbed in school for entertainment and lifestyle basis, ‘Eventsbillz’ from which the acronym E is derived, with my lucky number, 4 , added to it and makes it E4.

Luxury Jewellers is a self-explanatory description of what we do and stand for.

Who are some of the celebrity clients of e4Luxury and why do you think they are proud to associate with the brand?

Celebrities associate with our brand because of the quality of products we offer and the class we stand for. They cannot afford to go for less that demeans their highly revered communal and international status.

We have many Top Celebrity friends and clients but for some business reasons, I wouldn’t like to put names forward.

At what point did you make up your mind to become a jeweller?

Right after school, during my service year, I did my extensive business researches and analysis, weighed the results I got critically and decided to give it some shots.

Can you share with us how, when and where did you start off in the jewellery business?

The lead off was going for professional trainings for the business, it started off very little, having to become more of an affiliate marketer for Jewellery products when I couldn’t establish myself yet, Putting on relentless efforts to keep growing and getting better every time up till this stage it is now, where I am well established and highly involved on my own in the market. The learning and development process is a non-ending one, as I am still working hard and putting more works. It started out in 2014 in Ibadan.

Having been in the business for over five years, what are the big lessons you have learnt from the business?

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Consistency and Forbearance. One just has to keep pushing hard no matter the obstacles on the way which would always come in different folds and levels.

What are you doing that keeps you ahead of the competition and differentiate your custom designs from others?

The company is known for originality of products and genuinity in customer relations. Keeping our reputation at the highest level of respect and honour is a key informant of our Codes of conducts. Creativity and creation of unique and outstanding designs that keep screaming the company’s name to people  from the necks and hands of customers. We are customer’s satisfaction oriented.

For someone who wants to go into that line of business, what are your advice for him or her?

Anyone who dreams of being or wants to be a Jeweller should chase their dreams and follow their path. No dream is easy to achieve and no business is simply easy to venture into, especially this line of business which is really capital-intensive. Such a person should be well-prepared all-round before leaping into the business.

What are the pitfalls in the jewellery business that a newbie must avoid? 

There are many challenges in this line of business with no one in particular. It’s all based on experience and we all have different experiences which require different coping strategies. The country itself is a challenge on its own at the moment with different challenges and sides peculiar to each individual. It’s the same here. No matter what the pitfall might be, whether newbie or not, adapting and adopting a coping strategy is the best thing to do. Resilience is key. Once you fall into a particular pit, don’t sit there, stand up and keep moving. That’s what to do every time.

You have a superb sense of fashion. Where did you pick that from?

My love for fashion had been from the incipience of me being a young school kid. I have always loved dressing well and fancy and going for things that make me look good. But more prominently while in University with many awards and accolades from both school and the immediate bigger society. This is unarguably a significant factor that aided my career choice

What has been your most memorable moment as a jeweller, so far?

There have been many noteworthy days for me being a Jeweller. It’s always memorable when you make outstanding success in business or when you hit the big bag and strike good deals. Accomplishments are sweet memories. I have had many and I am still making more.


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