I’ve found that there isn’t always just one reason for failure. Sometimes it’s multiple reasons at once, or different reasons depending on the situation or the type of person you are. But here are some of the most common reasons we don’t have to let things stick to us.

Do you know there are things God did not make, and if we are not careful it will seem as if is God that fixed them there in our life?

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These things are called Devil’s “stickers” or “Label”
➢ A Sticker: is an adhesive label, “A price tag” (label). A design or picture to give information about a place, event or product. Stickers are sometimes meant for decoration.
➢ Label: is like (a ticket to give information) Sign, tag put on someone in order to categorize that person and value.
Example (I): 1Samuel 25:2-3, 25. Despite being a wealthy man, his wife tagged him a fool and he
died like a fool (a reckless drunkard)
Example (II): 1 Chronicle 4:9-10. Here is a story of a man called Jabez, His mother called him
Jabez, meaning “Sorrow”. Jabez prayed his destiny out of his mother’s sticker. He didn’t allow it to stick to him.
In John 14:30; we can see that every time, Satan checks on people at a different time to find out if there is any of his stickers in them. Jesus said he came to him but has nothing of his with Jesus…. “and hath nothing in me”
The original plans of God for you (Jeremiah 29:11) his plans for your life is all good. Therefore don’t allow anything to hold back your destiny.
1. Not everyone should have the right to speak into your life.
2. Not everyone requires an answer. Don’t let things stick to you. (John 14:30)
3. Never dwell on those critical statements made by third-grade teacher (Neighbors
negative comments)
4. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get what you think you should.
(Most of the things that seem necessary today may not even be desirable tomorrow)
Heb 11:24, Gen 16:1-5; 21:9-11
5. In a time like this, it helps to remember that there have always been a time like this
(if we could forget our troubles easily as we forget our dreams, how different would
things be)
6. Take your mind off the things that seem to be against you (Isa. 43:18, Ezek 36:24).
Talking about your pains and grievances merely adds to those grievances.
7. Attach yourself to God’s forgiveness, plans, and promises and you will see your life freed from the former “sticky” situations. (1John 1:9, Isa 43:25)
8. Be the first to forgive (never reject forgiveness or the opportunity to forgive)
Don’t live an unforgiving life, it can slow you down and cause you to lose your momentum. Unforgiveness eats away peace of mind, destroying vital organs of life.
Therefore, unbundle those packed bundles of grudges so that you can travel far and
It is the loser and weak that doesn’t forgive.
Failure to forgive will make revenge naturally follow (Gen 27:41)
Revenge is a deceiver and it is most bitter.
• You can never win by trying to even the score
• It costs more to revenge a wrong than to bear it.
• Forgiveness releases you for action and freedom. Where there is no forgiveness,
resentment, hatred, and retaliation will continue to rule endlessly.
NOTE: Never cut what you can untie, don’t burn bridges; you will be surprised how many times you have to cross that same river. While unforgiveness makes life empty, forgiveness makes a
future possible. Instead, ask yourself every day, who do I need to forgive? And be prayerful.