• PDP women leader advises

From Emmanuel Adeyemi Lokoja

As reactions begin to pour in over last week’s presidential election tribunal judgement, a women leader in the People’s Democratic Party in Kogi state Princess Grace Iye Adejoh has appealed for calm saying members of the party in the state should not allow the judgment to dampen their spirit in the Nov 11th governorship poll

Addressing newsmen in Lokoja on Tuesday, the PDP women leader said although the judgment fell short of the expectations of Nigerians, she urged members to be calm and avoid taking laws into their hands as she said ‘ Justice delayed is not Justice denied’

Let me encourage us by saying that, the truth is that justice comes in many ways, and only if we look closely, can we recognise that nature itself works out Justice, where systems fail.

There is actually hope, when we keep hope alive. We must therefore keep hope alive, and remain resolute in our pursuit of an egalitarian Nigeria.

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Princess Grace Iye Adejoh who expressed worry over the judgment said, it has raised questions, especially regarding the gains made with the passage of the Electoral Act 2022, particularly reforms that introduce technology in elections and require INEC to issue guidelines for the elections and implement it.

By the judgment, she specifically said the introduction of technological innovations especially of the INEC Results Viewing portal (IReV) and the Bimodal Voter Accreditation system (BVAS), which were seen as game changers that would guarantee transparency and seamless management of elections seems to be put at jeopardy

The PDP women leader therefore questions the rationale behind the huge deployment of resources to fund this innovation by the federal government, if the IREV and BVAS were not needed for the transmission of the election results.

Princess Adejoh said INEC did not live up to expectations in spite of the various promises made that the election would be free, fair and credible and stressed that Nigeria being the giant of Africa should not be made a laughing stock of neighbouring countries as the world is watching the ignoble role of INEC in the last election.

The PDP women leader however expressed hope that the party which will soon appeal the judgment will get justice at the Supreme Court saying’ justice delayed is not justice denied.’

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