From Juliana Taiwo-Obalonye, Abuja

Foreign-based Entrepreneurs under the aegis of Entrepreneurs for Peter Obi, (E.F.P.O) have backed the presidential candidate of the Labour Party, Peter Obi.

California-based founder of the group, Queen Akpamgbo, in a statement by its the group’s Media Adviser, Charles Ozoemena, revealed that they were mobilising Nigerian entrepreneurs from across Africa, Europe, Asia and America, to support the LP flagbearer.

“We are not only coming to join his campaign train, but would also support him if he wins the election.  We would mobilise the Entrepreneurs to come to Nigeria and invest in the economy, says the

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“As you are aware, the challenges before Obi are not just to win the election, but to also create millions of jobs for the unemployed youths in Nigeria. We would stand by him because amongst us are diverse millions of entrepreneurs who are successfully running their own companies, in America, Asia, Europe, Africa, everywhere.”

Entrepreneurs for Peter Obi, they revealed, was formed after Obi’s visit to the Beverly Hills, United States, in August 2022 adding that among the group also include foreign Entrepreneurs, who are “Our friends” with multi-billion Naira investment intentions for Nigeria.

“Our decision to support Obi was predicated on the fact that Obi is an entrepreneur himself and deserves our backing given his promises to revolutionise Nigeria’s economy by creating production spaces and plethora of jobs. We are aware that Nigeria is a giant of Africa and therefore demands a creative, visionary leader, who is honest and sincere and whose exemplary leadership will make impact not only on Nigerians but on the entire Africa.

“Obi’s records and vision for Nigeria are inspiring and we know what good leaders are like and what they do for their country men and women. We see Obi as a perfect mold of such leaders. That’s why we are supporting him” the statement concluded.

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