From Charity Nwakaudu, Abuja

Minister of State for Water Resources and Sanitation, Bello Muhammad Goronyo has emphasised on the socioeconomic importance of the numerous dams constructed by the Federal Government ,along with the Ministry’s twelve River Basin Development Authorities.

The Minister of state while receiving the entire Sokoto State legislators in his office, in Abuja, stressed that the dams have the capacity to ensure food security for the nation if properly harnessed.

Goronyo noted that most of the dams are constructed to provide water for the River Basin Development Authorities’ Songhai Model Integrated Farms and Irrigation across the country, aimed at accelerating food production in line with the Food Security Agenda of the present Administration.

He urged the Honourable Members of the Sokoto State House of Assembly to think outside the box, emphasising their responsibility to wholeheartedly support the Federal Executive Council in achieving success in President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s 8-point mandate.

He further reiterated the unwavering commitment of both himself and the senior Minister, Engr. Joseph Terlumun Utsev, to succeed in their mandate.

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He emphasized that they have commenced familiarisation tours of the Twelve River Basin Development Authorities across the country to assess their status and properly reposition them for the tasks ahead.

Goronyo passionately appealed to the State Legislators to collaborate and partner with him in delivering the dividends of democracy not only to Sokoto State but to all Nigerians.

He emphasised that they all share a greater responsibility in addressing the perennial security situation, high poverty levels, youth unemployment, out-of-school children (education), and other vices afflicting Sokoto State and Nigeria as a whole.

Addressing the gathering on behalf of the Legislators, the Speaker of Sokoto House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Tukur Bala Bodinga, remarked that the visit was a show of solidarity, intended to congratulate the Honourable Minister of State on his well-deserved appointment to the Federal Ministry of Water Resources and Sanitation.

Tukur acknowledged the challenging task ahead and pledged their support to help him achieve the mandate given by Mr President. The legislators offered prayers for the success of the Honourable Minister of State in his new role.

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