Billy Graham Abel, Yola

The Adamawa state Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) chairman, Dami Mamza, has called on the general public to take all the necessary prescribed measures to safeguard themselves from contracting coronavirus saying the virus is real and anyone who gets it can recover from it even though he thinks the effect of the disease has been over exaggerated in Nigeria.

Dami said, the fear that has been attached to the virus is over exaggerated and too much and it has been responsible for many deaths.

It is not a death sentence and it is not as bad as people are saying, if you get it, you can get well.

Mamza made remarks at a press briefing over the weekend in Yola, Adamawa state.

He said, “I want to use this opportunity to inform everyone that I have been declared free of Coronavirus and I want to assure everybody that I am now physically well.”

Dami Mamza said, “I have contracted and recovered from coronavirus and no one suffering from it should despair, because it is not a death sentence.

“The fear of coronavirus has been blown out of proportion in Nigeria and many who contracted it died from fear of it than the effects of the virus.

“While I was down, I had time to pray more and reflect and read more.

“Coronavirus is not as bad as people think, and I think it has been highly exaggerated in Nigeria.

“Many people have been made aware and afraid of it that they die from the fear of it than the actual sickness.”

He added that, “Many would be wondering how and why I contracted the disease, being a member of the containment committee in the state.

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“I have always maintained all the safety protocols and have been a stickler for the rules and yet I got it.

“My answer is simple, it is because I am human and God allowed it to use me to educate people about the reality of the disease.

“I want to inform the public that they have nothing to fear from it and if you get it, you can recover from it and this includes those having underlying ailment.

“So, I want people to face it with confidence and faith, not with fear.

“I will also like to inform those that are doubting whether Covid-19 is real, that it is real but it is nothing to be alarmed about.

“I would like people to maintain all the precautionary measures of social distancing, washing of hands with running water and wearing of face mask.”

Speaking on state of healthcare in the country, Dami Mamza, called on the Federal government to first of all intervene immediately to prevent the proposed strike by health workers in the country scheduled to commence on Monday.

He said, the country is in a fragile and volatile situation as a result of the global pandemic and any inattention by the medical workers could lead to loss of lives and every government has a responsibility to forestall that.

Mamza notes that, Nigeria has poor medical facilities across the country and it is in fact a miracle that the effect of Coronavirus has not been far more than this in the country and the continent where there has been poor medical facilities.

Mamza said, “Coronavirus has exposed us, we do not have good medical facilities and we have to say big thanks to God that Coronavirus has not taken serious toll on us than it has done in other countries like America, Italy, who have more advanced medical facilities than us.

“Our government must invest and improve on our medical facilities and show respect and appreciation to the frontline responders in the face of this pandemic.”


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