From Idu Jude, Abuja

Labour Party presidential candidate in the 2023 general elections Peter Obi has urged Nigerians and all levels of government to prioritize investments in children’s development, emphasizing that their well-being is crucial for the future of the nation.

In a message marking Children’s Day, Obi expressed concern over the prevalence of child labour in Nigeria, citing a National Bureau of Statistics report that reveals 39.2% of children are engaged in child labour, with 22.9% involved in hazardous work.

He stated that “four out of every ten children in Nigeria are trapped in child labour,” putting their future and the future of society at risk.

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Obi highlighted the importance of providing children with access to quality education, healthcare, and a safe environment to thrive. He called for a concerted effort to address the issue of child labour by tackling poverty and ensuring the respect of children’s rights.

He also encouraged parents, guardians, teachers, and benefactors to continue nurturing responsible citizens, urging children to prioritize their moral and educational development.

Obi reiterated his commitment to building a “safe, secure and productive nation” for children to fully realize their potential, emphasizing that this is the “New Nigeria” he is working towards.

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