From Abel Leonard, Lafia

In a bid to bolster community development and tackle pressing environmental issues, Safiyano Isa Andaha, Chairman of the Akwanga local government area, welcomed participants to a two-day Capacity Building Workshop organised by YMCA MADA Hills ASSAPIN.

in his address during the first day of the programme on Thursday, Andaha pledged unwavering support for the during and after the event.

“I commend YMCA MADA Hills ASSAPIN for choosing Akwanga as the venue for this significant workshop,” stated Chairman Andaha. “Their dedication to empowering our community is evident, having already impacted the lives of approximately 1500 individuals here in Akwanga.”

Highlighting the urgency of addressing climate change, Chairman Andaha emphasised the importance of educating local farmers on sustainable agricultural practices.

“Climate change poses a grave threat to our environment, and it’s imperative that our farmers understand how to adapt,” he remarked. “By equipping them with the knowledge to discern optimal planting seasons, we can mitigate environmental degradation.”

Andaha officially declared the workshop open, signalling a collaborative effort between government authorities, NGOs, and community members to address pressing environmental challenges and foster sustainable development in Akwanga and Nigeria at large.

In his welcoming remarks Rev. Dr. Dakot James President of the YMCA, stressed the importance of active community participation in project implementation.

“We implore the Chairman to harness the talents and resources of the local populace to further advance the initiatives outlined by our partners,” James asserted. “By fostering a spirit of collaboration and inclusivity, we can amplify the impact of our collective efforts across the state.”

Furthermore, James underscored the significance of community engagement in ensuring the sustainability of development projects.

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“The success of any endeavour hinges upon the involvement and ownership of the community it seeks to serve,” he explained. “We urge Chairman Andaha to champion grassroots involvement in all stages of project planning and execution, thereby fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility among the people of Akwanga.”

Mr James expressed optimism about the collaborative potential between the local government and partner organisations. “Together, we have the opportunity to effect positive change and uplift the lives of our fellow citizens,” he proclaimed. “Let us work hand in hand towards a brighter, more sustainable future for Akwanga and beyond.”

In a goodwill message, Comr. Salyu Alkali, Chairman of the Nasarawa chapter of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Nasarawa Chapter, emphasised the pivotal role of the media in driving community engagement and awareness.

“The media possesses the necessary capacity and reach to actively participate in initiatives aimed at fostering development and raising awareness,” Alkali affirmed. He urged partnering organisations to intensify their efforts in sensitising the public on critical issues while encouraging journalists to play an even more active role in amplifying these messages.

Alkali stressed the importance of continuous engagement and encouragement for journalists to excel in their coverage of developmental issues.

“By providing ongoing support and motivation to journalists, we can enhance their effectiveness as agents of change,” he remarked. “Partners should prioritise activities that empower the media to fulfil their watchdog role effectively, thus ensuring accountability and transparency in governance.”

Comr. Salyu Alkali reiterated the commitment of the NUJ to collaborate with stakeholders in advancing the welfare and development of the community. “Together, we can leverage the power of the media to drive positive change and create a more informed and engaged society,” he concluded. “Let us work together to harness the full potential of the media in addressing the challenges facing our communities.”

The President of ASSAPIN, Mr. Jonathan Joshua also weighed in on the proceedings, affirming the organisation’s dedication to facilitating sustainable development and environmental stewardship.

Furthermore, the President emphasised the need for concerted efforts in promoting environmental awareness and resilience-building initiatives. “In the face of escalating environmental degradation and climate change impacts, it is imperative that we unite in our efforts to educate, empower, and mobilise communities,”

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