From Juliana Taiwo-Obalonye, Abuja

President Muhammadu Buhari has granted automatic employment in the Federal Civil Service to 65 former members of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC).

According to a statement by Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina, the President spoke at the NYSC 50th Anniversary Honours Award held at the State House Conference Centre.

The President while highlighting numerous achievements of the scheme since its establishment 50 years ago, said out of the 65 recipients, 52 individuals received the Presidential Honours Awards, while the remaining 13 were physically challenged ex-Corps Members recognized under the NYSC Hope Alive programme.

In addition to the employment, President Buhari also disclosed that both groups would be awarded scholarships to pursue their education up to the Doctorate Degree level at any university of their choice within the country.

Furthermore, he announced a cash prize of N250,000.00 for each of the top award winners, and N200,000.00 for other award recipients, including the physically challenged ex-Corps members under the NYSC Hope Alive Programme.

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Consequently, the President issued a directive to the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation, the Federal Civil Service Commission, and the Honourable Minister of Education to ensure adherence to the employment offer and the granting of scholarships.

President Buhari also used the occasion to pay tribute to Corps Members from the batches being honoured, who lost their lives under various circumstances while serving the nation.

‘‘But for their transitioning, some of them might have been here today as part of the honourees. May God grant their souls peaceful repose. They remain our heroes and heroines. The Nation shall continue to remember their sacrifices towards building a strong, indivisible and egalitarian entity,’’ he said. 

The President also sympathized with the ex-Corps Members that sustained varying degrees of disability during the service year, acknowledging their significant sacrifices for the progress of the country and assuring them that the nation stands in solidarity with them.

‘‘Your labour shall not be in vain,’’ he said.

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