Jovana Farm is a role model to the youth, job seekers and retirees. This is because of their business of creating livestock millionaires through animal husbandry; especially grasscutter production and marketing.
The industry has thrived in recent years. For people who want to start their own business I would advise them to try raising grasscutters. If you don’t flow with the tide and changing time, you will be left behind
Contact us for consultancy or attend Jovana Farms seminars nearest to you and discover how to breed grasscutters for profit! Can’t attend? Order for self-tutorial VCD and book. Visit us online at, or Call: 080 33262 808, for more details. Choose also the nearest venue from the advert box in this page or in our website.
Given the state of the economy, grasscutter farming is one of the most lucrative ventures for small scale entrepreneurs. The benefits of grasscutter business are obvious, whether in costs or use of feeds. It is not difficult for one to cater for them. What one should do is to provide grasses and feed them. We started grasscutter farming many years ago. Since then, we have seen it grow to generate a healthy profit. My success with grasscutter is hinged on technical strategies, sound veterinary and animal husbandry research and use of affordable production methods that are suited to big and small scale producers.
This experience is pass on to participants of Jovana Farms nationwide agro-seminars. We help people to set up grasscutter farms and we also have for sale fast growing species of grasscutter breeding families. There is a big market for grasscutter meat. This is an advantage for us as Nigerians are looking for the tasty meat.
Happily, the business does not require much to start. With about N60, 000 one can kick-off with one family of grasscutter. This comprises 1-male & 4- females. They are reared in a cage which costs N15, 000, therefore with N75, 000 one is already in business.
Farmers should buy them when they are 4-5 months old, which is the breeding stock age. If you buy from us at this stage and rear them for another three months, they will start making babies at eight months and you can start making big profit.
Grasscutter is odourless unlike poultry and piggery. As a result, the cage can be placed anywhere in the compound or even in the kitchen. The merit a grasscutter has over others is that it is susceptible to few disease or health problems and can easily be fed with a variety of grass.
The first challenge we faced is the management of breeding. People should go for training before venturing into this agribusiness. Today, apart from breeding grasscutters, Jovana farms also provides comprehensive training and have embarked on nationwide agro-seminars to get more Nigerians involved in the new business.
The basic inputs for breeding are cages, weighing gadgets, and their housing units, foundation stock, feeds, drinkers, feeding bowls and cleaning materials. The housing unit protects them from adverse weather conditions, such as cold, heat and from theft.
There is no need at the beginning to buy a land or hire a sales team. What is more, overhead costs can be significantly reduced. Jovana farms works with interested farmers and provide them with vital information on how they can get cages, self tutorial VCD and book and initial grasscutter breeders from our farm.
The demand for grasscutter meat is high with its export potentials and accompanying price hikes, making the prospect of grasscutter rearing very bright and encouraging either as a full-time or part-time job. The enterprise is booming and shows no signs of slowing down.
Jovana Farm is making money from this business and at same time striving to help the youth, retirees, job seekers and entrepreneurs make theirs. And over the past six years, we have received more requests from individuals, top class hotels, seeking to take advantage of the new business opportunity.
Success with grasscutters demands equal dedication to breeding, feeding and marketing. Successful marketing requires an understanding of the trends and demands of the industry, and this means involving oneself in breed management structures, as well as consistent crossbreeding improvement.
Success has bred success. Achieving well at nationwide agro-training has served as effective marketing, and this has led to greater interest and demand.
The fact that all major grasscutter farmers in Nigeria are using our breeds, proved the hardiness of our top genetic grasscutters, and I’m very pleased of this development.

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