Paul Orude, Bauchi

In a bid to combat insurgency and other criminal activities bedevilling the country, Governor Mohammed Abubakar of Bauchi State, has offered a piece of land to the Nigerian Air Force for the establishment of a training range for air officers and men.

A press statement signed by Press Secretary to the Governor, Abubakar Al-Sadique, explained that the gesture was also aimed at supporting the air force’s ongoing expansion of its units and formations.

According to the release, the governor stated this on Saturday at the official commissioning of small arms, shooting range and personnel accommodation of Nigerian Air Force base in Bauchi.

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The statement quoted the governor as saying the Bauchi State Government, “is planning to handover a portion of land within the Lame Burra forest to the Nigerian Air Force for the purpose of establishing an air range to sharpen the fighting skills of operators of Nigerian Air Force fighter aircrafts.

Governor Abubakar acknowledged the commendable achievements of Nigerian Air Force in enhancing national security, and commended President Buhari and the Chief of Air Staff for the “corporate social responsibilities extended to the good people of Bauchi state by way of recent commissioning of Nigerian Air Force Referral Hospital as tertiary healthcare medical outreach”.

He added: “NAF has demonstrated professionalism and discipline in the conduct of its operations. I therefore commend the sacrifices of Nigerian Air Force across the country in ensuring peace and security of our fatherland as part of its contributions to national development”.[contact_form caption=”Contact Us”][/contact_form]

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