The Auxiliary Bishop of Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja, Most Rev. Anselm Umorem, says most people prefer to co-habit because they do not want to make lasting commitment to one another which most times lead to divorce.

Umorem said this in Abuja on Sunday in his homily at SS Peter and Paul Parish, Nyanya, Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

The bishop spoke on the occasion of the celebration of the parish’s feast day.

The event saw parishioners display different cultural attire with assorted foods and drinks to mark the feast.

The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul is a liturgical feast in honour of the martyrdom in Rome of the apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul, which is observed on 29 June.

The celebration is of ancient origin, the date selected being the anniversary of either their death or the translation of their relics

According to him, divorce is not part of our culture and advised people to put God first when considering marriage.

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“Living a Christian life means to follow and believe in the value of God which is  integrity, compassion, faithfulness, love, peace, honesty love and  compassion,’’ he said.

Umorem advised that people should always read the word of God in order to be guided by the Holy Spirit.

He said any marriage that was not guided by the will of God would always last.

Speaking on the political situation in the country presently, Umorem advised that people especially the youths should not allow themselves to be used by politicians to foment trouble.

He said that the politicians always dine and wine  together whenever they find the opportunity while people were busy fighting themselves.

Umorem called on Nigerians to rededicate themselves to God, adding that the country would see better days in no distant time.

He also urged Christians to live a life worthy of emulation in order to make positive impact on the society. (NAN)

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