Ever been to a local market lately? If you have, then you probably noticed the tall mounds of uncovered rice rising from big basins or half-full sacks. Many people buy such rice, not minding the high risk of contamination and poor handling, simply because they erroneously attribute the purchase of bagged rice to the rich and affluent.

On the contrary, packaged rice is not the exclusive preserve of “big people” in the society. At least, not anymore. Some rice brands are aware of this reality and have developed innovative solutions to meet the demands of a variety of consumers. They have ensured that there is a pack for every pocket. The range of available pack sizes ensures consumers get good quality, nutritious and hygienic rice for their varying needs and convenience. Gone are the days when the only option for small portions of rice were offered in loose form and sold using rusty old tins.

Evidently, it is best to buy hygienically farmed, cleaned and sealed rice. Consumers who choose packaged rice often cite the fact that the rice is protected from excess air and moisture during production as well as reduced exposure to contamination at the point of sale, which extends the life and quality of the rice.

Even better, the availability of different sizes at a range of prices caters to the varying needs of customers. Just ask Kingsley Ndubuisi, a rice dealer of over 25 years with shops across the country. In his words, “everybody deserves better rice.” According to him, more customers now choose packaged rice over loose rice because of some key factors, namely product quality, nutrition & safety concerns, hygiene, convenience, and purchasing power.

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It is no wonder that more customers today are opting for rice in a variety of pack sizes packaged by Big Bull Rice. With a plethora of options to choose from, every customer can buy right. Whether you are a university student forced to live on a tight budget, a bachelor/bachelorette doing your  best to make ends meet, a homemaker with several mouths to feed daily, a philanthropist feeding the community on a weekly basis, or a caterer investing in several bags of rice per event, there is a pack for every pocket. Now, you don’t have any reason to sacrifice quality for affordability.

So when next you go shopping, always remember that buying right means buying a Big Bull Rice pack that suits your needs and pocket.

Big Bull Rice is available in varying sizes of 50kg, 25kg, 10kg, 5kg, 2.25kg and 750g.

Produced in a state-of-the-art automated rice milling factory, the manufacturer ensures handling is eliminated to the barest minimum so that you only get rice produced in the highest hygienic conditions.

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