
US president-elect Joe Biden on Tuesday presented his future national security team to the public, highlighting their decades of experience in public service.

Biden stressed that his nominees would help return the US to its position as a global leader following the unpredictable years of the Trump administration.

”If confirmed by the Senate, his nominees would include the first Latino to lead the US Department of Homeland Security and the first woman to be the director of national intelligence.

“I’ve long said that America leads not only by the example of our power but by the power of our example.

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”And I’m proud to put forward this incredible team that will lead by example,” Biden said.

Both Antony Blinken, Biden’s pick for secretary of state, and Alejandro Mayorkas, the future administration’s nominee for secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, described how their families fled communist regimes in Europe and Latin America and eventually settled in the US

Among the speakers was a former secretary of state John Kerry, who Biden nominated to be the first presidential envoy for climate.

Kerry noted that the US will rejoin the Paris climate agreement on the first day after Biden takes office, and will take additional steps to combat climate change over the next four years.

“America is back, multilateralism is back, diplomacy is back,” said Biden’s nominee for ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield.

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