From Geoffrey Anyanwu, Awka

Leader of the Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra, Comrade Uchenna Madu has disclosed that all the groups agitating for the peaceful restoration of Biafra would work together to actualize the goal through a United Nations-supervised referendum.
Madu who made this disclosure against the background of the successful sit-at-home protest initiated by the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB). He commended the collaboration between IPOB and MASSOB in the execution of the exercise and noted that with such spirit the Biafra dream would be actualized sooner than expected. He explained that MASSOB would work towards the referendum as the next line of action, noting that the proposed exercise would give the people the opportunity to express their willingness to leave Nigeria and decide their future.
His words: “MASSOB will continue to press for Biafra actualization and restoration as that is our only agenda and mission. Now that the sit-at-home exercise has come and gone, the impact and fears it created will continue to flourish. It has become a major part of Biafran history. Though it was not the first sit-at-home exercise ever held by the group, but it turned out as the greatest. “The sit-at-home exercise was declared and observed as a litmus test of the popularity and public acceptance of IPOB and MASSOB, it was also observed as a prelude to the coming Biafra referendum.
“The total compliance shows that the people of Biafra are fed up with Nigeria and her system; we can no longer continue to associate our existence with the failed and unproductive state of Nigeria. As we savour the victory and success achieved on the recent sit-at-home exercise, we shall never rest on our oars as the major work to be done for speedy actualization and restoration of Biafra is ahead of us.”
On how MASSOB intends to pursue the issue of the referendum and how it would collaborate with others, Madu said: “The referendum to determine the willingness, decision and resolve of the people of Biafra to leave Nigeria is the next stage of the struggle. The referendum will determine and resolve the Biafra question, it will give room for the people to willingly decide their future and existence in Biafra or Nigeria, it will also enable the international communities to ascertain the willingness of the people of Biafra to be separated from Nigeria.
“The clamour and demands for the referendum can never be done by one Biafra agitation group, it is a general task of all the people of Biafra. MASSOB salutes the Lower Niger Congress, the foremost referendum agitator for the people of lower Niger (Biafra). We also salute the IPOB for their stunt support and clamour for the Biafra referendum. “As the issue of the Biafra referendum takes the front burner position and also the need of the hour, we shall continue to discuss and strategize on the possible and globally accepted means of achieving it without any blemish. The leadership of genuine Biafra self-determination groups will soon meet for the next task ahead.
“The coming Biafra referendum can be likened to a football team. The 11 players that make up the team must work together without rancour for them to achieve success. Though no player is more important but there must be a man of the match, with the collaboration and coordination of eleven players, one player must score the needed goal(s) that will bring the desired victory that the team, supporters and fans and the entire nation will celebrate.
“The people of Biafra must be carried along irrespective of their positions, even the traditional, religious, political, academics and civil society organisations have their roles to play; the labour movement and trade union groups are all involved.”

Biafra not for Ndigbo alone   –IPOB

From Jeff Amechi Agbodo, Onitsha

Basking in the euphoria of the successful sit-at-home protest, which was widely complied with in the five southeastern states, the Independent People of Biafra (IPOB), has said the observance of the protest in parts of Bayelsa, Rivers and some places lifted the quest for Biafra restoration to a higher pedestal of acceptance.
The Media and Publicity Secretary of IPOB, Mr. Emma Powerful, who made this assertion while speaking to Sunday Sun on the outcome of the sit-at-home protest, said the group achieved 100 per cent compliance, and noted that IPOB had always stood on the truth.
He added: “However, this sit-at-home order for Biafra restoration and remembrance of our fallen heroes and heroines is not an Igbo affair only. Our leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu issued the sit-at-home order, which was obeyed everywhere, when he was in prison.
“He never said we should honour and remember those that died in Igboland only. He ordered that Biafrans and IPOB members worldwide must honour and remember those who died and paid the ultimate price during the genocidal war against the people of Biafra from 1967 to 1970, bearing in mind that not only Ndigbo make up Biafra nation. What happened during the sit-at-home order on 30th May 2017 will show you that Biafra is not only for Igbo.”
He attributed the success of the sit-at-home protest to the genuine commitment of the group to the Biafra struggle. Commenting on what the group would do as a follow up to the successful protest, Powerful said: “We give glory to Almighty God (Chukwu Okike Abiama), who made it possible for our people to live up to our expectations. IPOB is an ordained movement that heaven wants to use to liberate the oppressed people in Biafra, the God Almighty who raised our leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu will finish it.
“Again, we achieved 100 per cent compliance because IPOB always stands on the truth.
“You may think that people are not seeing what you do but when you call for action then you know whether you are on the right track. People have seen the truth in IPOB; that is the secret.
“IPOB is a worldwide freedom fighting movement that has leadership that directs the affairs of the group. We don’t just open our mouth and talk like market women.
“When we want to take up any new action we must announce it to the world and people will understand what we are about to do and which we must do and follow it up to the logical conclusion.”
When prodded to comment on the issue of referendum, which the self-determination groups also raised in the run-up to the activities commemorating the 50th anniversary of the declaration of Biafran independence in 1967, he said: “Well, I can’t say much about the referendum issue, but as I said before, we are IPOB which is big enough for somebody or group to set an agenda for us and we don’t talk without following  it up to the logical conclusion.
By the time IPOB will be fully prepared for referendum the whole world will understand that we have come for that.
We are waiting for the order from the highest command of IPOB. Everybody must know that we believe in action not talking.”
“To be honest with you Ebonyi complied in line with the order. IPOB is a formidable group no matter the threats from the Nigerian Government, we decided to follow it but we only stand to get Biafra without a single shot. All the places in Ebonyi were totally scanty during the sit at home order.
There is no state in Biafraland that did not comply with the order,” he said.

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