The social media is overpowering; it has the power to create saints and villains and vice versa. Unfortunately, some people try to take advantage of this seeming invincibility of the social media space to contrive a clout they neither deserve nor can sustain.

Sadly, this has become more of a Nigerian phenomenon because, in climes where stars are stars, they don’t hug the limelight; the limelight tends to hug them and pursue them, even when they run.

However, in Nigeria, we have supposedly celebrities prancing about because they played one waka pass role in Follywood or mimed one hoarse song backed by chakachaka drumbeats, and so, they become influencers and superstars. What an illusion!

The horrid missteps of such emergency ‘celebrity song stars’ came to the fore recently when one of them made a public spectacle of his vacuity in Houston Texas by dabbling into a role he did not even comprehend and ended up being bundled out, disgracefully, out of an event organised by the Imo State Congress in America Imo State Congress America (ISCA), USA.

This is in reference to Kelly Hansome, reportedly a musician, who claimed that the leading contender in the Imo governorship election in November, Senator Athan Nneji Achonu, SANA, invited him to a political meeting with the All Progressives Congress, APC, chieftains in the United States where they tried to convince him to work for the reelection of Governor Hope Uzodinma of Imo State.

As a matter of fact, Achonu was invited to the said event by ISCA, just like they did other stakeholders and contenders for the office currently occupied by Uzodinma.

So, the question that readily comes to mind, is, is this yet another concoction of frightened opponents of Achonu fed to the gullible public in order to divert the people’s attention from the man God has anointed to liberate the state from the stranglehold of misrule? Who sent Hansome on this ignominious trip? Or did he send himself on a fantasy trip to latch unto Achonu’s certain march to Douglas House to rev up his flaccid music ‘career’ by stirring up controversy?

It is unimaginable how Achonu could invite Kelly Hansome to the event as claimed and in what capacity he did so since he was an invitee and not one of the organizers? Or is Hansome accusing ISCA as well as other invitees and fellow contestants against the governor of being APC members and working for Uzodinma.

It was when Imo Commissioner, Emelumba, who represented his boss, was speaking for Uzodimma and eulogising the governor that enraged Kelly interrupted the proceedings, questioning why someone (Emelumba) was singing praises for Uzodimma.

All efforts to make Hansome understand that invitations were sent to the major guber candidates to the event didn’t go well with him. So, the organisers invited security to remove him from the gathering for disruption.

Obviously, as if he was under some influence, Hansome mistook Emelumba for Achonu. Anyway, he has since clarified that he was not referring to Achonu.

He has issued a rebuttal on his Instagram page, saying, “Just to be clear, I had no issues with Senator Athan but with what Emelumba was saying” (screenshot here). 

Nevertheless, it would be a lot better if Hansome gives this realization of his faux pas as much coverage as the Opera News publication via a video apology as demanded by the Achonu Media Team because the dilapidated outgoing government and their allies in other parties are trying to exploit.

It is important to also state that Athan Achonu held Imolites spellbound at the event with his plans for Imo State, especially on local government autonomy, security and inspiring a vibrant manufacturing sector, fostering creativity, and providing the much-needed employment for citizens in line with his Aku Ruo Ulo business philosophy.

The videos of Achonu’s speeches at the event are all over media space and can be easily accessed by people to break Hansome’s blackened pot of lies. Achonu is promoting nobody but himself and is focused on liberating the state. Most Imolites have keyed into this project and as they say, TO TAKE BACK IMO FOR IMOLITES; IS ‘ATHANABLE’



Gospel of repentance according to Gbile Akanni


Gbile Akanni is a voice that resonates across the Christian public sphere, preaching the salvation of mankind. Of course, his message is for everybody but also not for everybody; it is for those who desire to be saved; who desire to be let loose from the grips of Satan and his army.

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One thing nobody can take away from Akanni is that he is an apostle of today; in the sense that he has the zeal, candour, and unflinching devotion to his calling and does not stint in telling our depraved age the truth as it is.

Snippets from some of the teachings could pierce through even seared and reprobate minds to rethink their future in the afterlife:

She wasn’t your wife, you had sex with her, she became pregnant, you made her abort. Illegal relationship + murder, committed by you alone and you are boasting….. “I’ve conquered that babe”… #Repent

He is not your husband, you are having/had sex with him, collecting money from him and you think you are a sharp girl. You are an armed robber, robbing people with your body. #Repent

She’s not properly dressed, instead of you to preach to her, you are shouting “WOW!!! You look sexy… Brother, you are part of the problem. #Repent

A preacher said, “If you know what I know, you’ll laugh less and cry more”; does that ring a bell in our heads? Do we have to see before we believe? #Repent

I want to have money, I want to marry a beautiful wife, I want to marry a handsome guy, I want to buy a nice car, I want to build a big house; is that all we think about? We will all die and leave all these. Vanity. #Repent

You think regret is when you did not marry the man you wanted or did not study the course you liked? NO! Regret is you reaching the grave without enough good deeds.” Vanity. #Repent

Rich, poor, pretty, ugly, slim, fat, literate, illiterate, white, black, ustaz, pastor, player, King, slave, PDP, APC, DEATH does not care who you are; when it’s time, you are going. #Repent

Someone is dead and you are alive; someone is sick and you are healthy; someone is lost and you are guided; why then are you sad because someone is rich and you are poor? Why are you ungrateful? Thank God. #Repent

Oh boy! Oh, baby!! See Venza; Chai, see house, damn! See that babe.” Brother, the world is just a play and an illusion, its beauty doesn’t last; don’t be carried away. Seek first the Kingdom of God. #Repent

Wisdom. People will be naked, but the fear of judgment will not allow you to look; have that fear now and stop asking, uploading, or downloading nude pictures. #Repent

“Jesus is not coming now, I go repent before then.” Abi??? Bro/Sis, if you die tonight your judgment has started. #Repent!

“Body is not firewood.” Seriously? Is that why you commit sin? You don’t know that same body would become firewood for hell? Don’t allow yours to be among them. #Repent

Anyone who is not your husband but wants to have sex with you is your enemy; his love is fake. No true love will want you to go to hell and miss heaven, #Repent

You never shed tears even once while reciting scriptures but films make you cry, Hmmm check yourself. #Repent

Eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara, lipstick, concealer, blusher, powder; if you like do plastic surgery, if your heart is bad, you’re dead ugly. #Repent

God can change you from Ajebota to Ajepako, it’s all test of life, don’t let Ajebota life make you forget God; always remember Him and thank Him. #Repent

If you’re not ready, you can postpone your wedding date, graduation date, or election date, but you can never postpone your death date, always be ready. #Repent

If you don’t respect your parents, your life will suffer, and you might end up in hell. #Repent!

I have a meeting! I have a meeting!! Is that why you rush your prayers? Noooo! Don’t disrespect God. Don’t take Him for granted too.

The keyword:  REPENT today!

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