From Abel Leonard, Lafia

The Benue State chapter of the Labour Party has debunked a N50 million donation allegation on its candidate vying for the Saturday’s by-electon for the Guma 1 state constituency seat, Hon. Peter China.

There had been reports in some sections of the media that the Benue State Governor, Reverend Father Hyacinth Alia, recently gave the sum of N50 million as a support to the LP’s candidate to help him win the by-election because he (Alia) was not pleased with the emergence of Hon. Uche Terwase Peter as candidate of the All Progressives Congress in the poll.

Speaking on the matter in Lafia on Friday, the Benue State LP chairman, Comrade Ibrahim Idoko, described the allegation as baseless and unfounded.

He said, “The allegation that Governor Hyacinth Alia gave N50 million to our candidate for Guma 1 state constituency seat, Hon. Peter China is not true. It is the figment of the imagination of those who produced such narratives.

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“The Labour Party in Benue State is Independent and we are working very closely with our candidate for tomorrow’s by-election. We have never had any contact with the governor, so the narrative is incorrect.

“We are prepared for the by-election and optimistic of getting victory because our candidate is a grassroot politician who had impacted greatly in the lives of his people.”

The LP chairman therefore, urged political opponents in the state to shun spreading rumors and lies that are capable of causing unnecessary tension before, during and after the by-election in the state.

While commending the state governor, security agencies and the Independent National Electoral Commission for assuring political parties in the state of a level-playing ground during the poll, Idoko called on all residents of the state to continue to live in peace and harmony irrespective of political affiliations.

“We have been assured of a level-playing ground for all political parties, so we have nothing to worry about. If our political opponents are having issues in their parties, they should not bother to involve the Labour Party through lies and misinformation because we will never be distracted,” the Benue LP chairman added.