Mrs Comfort Eyitayo, President, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), has called on accountants in the country to be job creators, transparent and accountable in the discharge of their duties.

She gave the advice at the annual award and dinner night, organised by ICAN Nyanya-Mararaba and District Society in Abuja.

“We must portray ourselves as truly accountable and transparent in our dealings with members and other stakeholders.

“Accountability and transparency are the hallmarks of great leaders and leaders across all tiers must embrace this enduring attributes.

“True development appear to have eluded many nations due to the non- adherence to the need for an accountable and transparent leadership.

“It is our strong desire at ICAN that a culture of trust, accountability and transparency will be entrenched in every facet of our national life,” she said.

Eyitayo, while appreciating the district for the award bestowed on her, also charged other award recipients to make more positive impact in the society.

“While this is something I greatly cherish, it is also a call to more duty for me and I think it will be for others who are being awarded together with me today.

“Recognition and awards of this nature are reminders to us all that our modest positive contributions in any sphere of life we find ourselves are being noticed.

“We must therefore consider any position we occupy as a trust from the people and section of the society that we represent,” she said.

Mr Alemoh Peter, Chairman, ICAN Nyanya-Mararaba and District Society, also charged members to uphold the objective of the institute by ensuring that they add value to humanity.

“We should continue to ensure that we are an impactful people, that will continue to add value, no matter your strata in the society.

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“We should be able to add value by doing something that will benefit another person.

“The venture we are creating today is not for our own, it is for the up coming generations.

“We must live our lives in a way that is sustainable by creating more opportunities today than we had yesterday.

“By so doing, people coming after us will be more engaged, better off and have more opportunities and our world will be sustainable and crime rate will be reduced,” he said.

Prof. Uche Uwaleke, the guest speaker at the occasion, said that the e-Naira platform recently inaugurated by the government would impact positively on the Nigerian economy.

Uwaleke called on Nigerians to embrace the platform as it would facilitate financial inclusion that will bring about economic growth.

“The e-Naira will facilitate financial inclusion, it will assist the government get more revenue when it is fully implemented.

“It will also help the government improve on the social intervention programmes such as the distribution of palliatives and physical stimulus would be faster through the e-Naira,” he said.

Dr Richard Idakwoji, the founder, Rychado Homes Ltd. and an awardee, appreciated the district society for the recognition.

“I am grateful to ICAN, I am grateful to God, I am grateful to my family, I am really excited and I feel honoured.

“To be successful comes with challenges, you need to be patient and do the right thing, doing the right thing and being patient is the key to greater height,” he said.(NAN)

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