Aloysius Attah, Onitsha

The Vice Chancellor, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State, Prof Charles Esimone, has charged the best graduating students of the university to be good and worthy ambassadors of the institution at all times.

Prof Esimone, who gave the charge at the university auditorium during the Price Giving Day and celebration of the 49 first-class graduates of the university as part of the events marking the 14th convocation ceremony of the institution, also assured them of overseas postgraduate training.

He said the decision for the training abroad was to ensure the students were further equipped to remain relevant in their various fields of studies.

Prof Esimone stated that the event was an opportunity to celebrate the best in the past academic year as well as inspire others to work hard and excel in their field of endeavour. The Professor of Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Microbiology stated that the occasion is significant as the university has gotten in touch with industries to endow graduands who have excelled.

“It’s time to celebrate our best. If you excel, the world will celebrate you. We don’t have silver or gold, but we must celebrate you by recognising your hard work which pays,” he said.

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“The awards are also to encourage and challenge other students to work hard to attain the best in their various fields of studies.

“We will continue to keep track records of the best graduating students through our alumni body. We already have a scheme for that.”

“Zik has been a brand name that must be maintained and protected. I appeal to you to be good ambassadors of the institution by guarding the brand name jealousy. Ensure the quality does not diminish but protected,” he stressed.

The VC also appreciated the parents and sponsors of the beneficiaries for the supportive roles towards the success stories of their wards.

The events witnessed scholarships awards by Royal Ceramics Limited to the best graduating students in the fourteen faculties of the institution, as well as a donation of N250,000 to the overall best graduating student, Eze Gabriel.

Responding on behalf of the awardees, Gabriel appreciated the university authority for recognising excellence, saying his big stride was informed by the motivation he garnered while witnessing previous awards presentations.

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