From Noah Ebije, Kaduna

The northern socio cultural organisation, Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF), has lamented rising cases of banditry and insecurity in the north, saying bandits and insurgents are giving the region bad name.

ACF, however, condemned the payment of ransom and called on bandits and insurgents who are holding other citizens hostage to desist from the act, adding: “No religion that is practiced in northern Nigeria permits such sinful acts like holding other human beings as hostages for financial reward.”

The Forum noted that the peaceful and secured atmosphere that the north was known for, right from the days of its founding fathers, is gradually being eroded.

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This was contained in a communique issued after the National Executive Council Meeting of the Forum, held in Kaduna, yesterday. 

The meeting was declared open by the National Chairman of the Forum, Chief Audu Ogbe.

The communiqué, which was read by the National Publicity Secretary of ACF, Emmanuel Yawe, stated in part: “On insecurity, the forum expressed displeasure at the state of affairs in the north and in the country in general. The forum condemned the activities of insurgents, kidnappers and bandits in the north, saying that they are killing the peace and progress for which the north was noted when the founders of the region were in power.

“The forum decried the utterances of some actors and leaders who have sought to inflame regional, ethnic and religious passions out of the current situation in the country. “The Forum called on Nigerian leaders to exercise restraint in their utterances in the current circumstances.

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