Timothy Olanrewaju, Maiduguri and Noah Ebije, Kaduna

The Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) has condemned the attack on Auno, Borno State by Boko Haram, lamenting that the military  was not being proactive in the fight against insurgents, and called for probe.

The insurgents had recently killed 30  commutters plying the road in Auno community of Borno State.

The ACF said  the  Auno carnage and others  would have been avoided if  the military heeded  its appeal to always  be proactive, employ professionalism and strategy in the war against terrorism.

However, the forum  urged the military to  restructure its security architecture in the fight against the Boko Haram insurgents in the Northeastern part of the country.

The National Publicity Secretary of the ACF, Alhaji Muhammad Ibrahim-Biu stated  this in Kaduna yesterday.

The statement  read:   “ACF had on several occasions appealed to the military and security agencies to be proactive, employ professionalism and strategy in the war against terrorism in order to avoid colossal damages.

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“The Auno massacre by the terrorists could have been avoided if the necessary security measures were observed. This unfortunate incident and many others that have occurred on the Damaturu-Maiduguri road recently has placed commuters plying the road in a state of fear and despair.

“ACF therefore urges the military and other security agencies to restructure their security architecture in the fight against Boko Haram terrorists in the Northeast and other parts of the country and stem out the menace of Boko Haram and other terrorist groups that have continued to mitigate our peaceful coexistence and development.”

The northern body also appealed  to the Federal Government to ensure that its commitment to security of lives and property of Nigerians was  carried out without any sentiment or favouratism.

It also urged the Federal Government to ensure that adequate equipment and logistics are provided for the troops at the battle line to adequately confront the terrorists.

“ACF urges the Federal Government to thoroughly investigate the immediate and  remote causes of this unfortunate incident and many more that have destroyed many lives and property of innocent people with a view to putting a stop to it’’

“ACF equally calls on the communities to cooperate and share intelligence with the Security Agencies in order to make the fight against Boko Haram terrorists a success.”

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