By Johnson Adebowale

Guinness proudly stood alongside the remarkable women at the August Meeting, honouring Igbo women from all walks of life.

True to its mission of empowering and advocating, Guinness collaborated with the August Meeting women to spotlight women achieving extraordinary feats in various Igbo communities.

The 2023 edition of the meeting witnessed Guinness backing 250 women from diverse communities across Imo, Anambra, Enugu, Ebonyi, and Abia states. These women were equipped with mobile business infrastructure and tools, enabling them to excel in business ownership and become the best and brightest versions of themselves.

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To delight the elegant women at the August Meeting, Guinness treated the women to great music and energetic dancers for entertainment. The Guinness experience was enhanced with trays of Igbo delicacies and chilled Guinness.

Mark Mugisha, Marketing and Innovation Director at Guinness Nigeria explained the role of Guinness in facilitating the August Meeting: “August Meeting transcends an event; it’s an experience Guinness deeply resonates with. It allows us to participate in the age-old celebration of women who are dedicated to making a significant, positive impact on their communities. As a brand, we are unwavering in our commitment to celebrating women in the most authentic ways possible.”

As a proponent of diversity and inclusive marketing, Guinness has seamlessly woven these values into its DNA, reflecting brightly in everything from its marketing and communication efforts to its experiential, audio, visual, and digital content. The August Meeting, a vibrant yearly gathering of Igbo women, is a platform where the brand’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is boldly manifested.

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