From Aloysius Attah, Onitsha

An imminent crisis is brewing between Nimo community in Njikoka LGA and its neighbouring community, Abacha in Idemili North LGA, Anambra State over some parcels of land in the area.

Presently, the two communities are engaged in verbal war over some misrepresentation of facts on the same land squabble.

President General of Nimo Town Development Union (NTDU) Dan Zeelunjo Analikukwu fired the first salvo when he spoke during the town launching of the 2024 Farming Season where he listed lots of lands to be cultivated by his people to achieve bumper harvest this year.

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But Chief Ejike Okafor of the Abacha community responded immediately telling the Nimo PG to choose his words carefully and desist from misinforming the public on a pending land dispute between the two communities. He said the President General of Nimo community attempted to cover the truth of the whole matter noting that the statement was a ploy to confuse the general public on the true ownership of the said lands.

While noting that such public talk can ignite crises if not well managed, he stated that his people Abacha community had been living peacefully with their neighbours and have been having possession of the three lands mentioned by the PG of Nimo community from time immemorial and wondered why the President General decided to delve in such matters knowing that the land belongs to Abacha town people.

“These three lands Agu Owa, Ugwu Ogazi, Agu Nogba belong to the Abacha people starting from the times of our forefathers, We Abacha people don’t know why the Nimo people or the president general is making such statements, it is on record that Abacha people are bonafide owners of those places.

On his part, Mr. Mathew Obi, the Secretary General of Abacha Development Union while affirming what the President General of his community said, called on the Nimo Town President General to choose the path of peace adding that the two towns have been living peacefully and will not afford to be enemies this time.

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