By Steve Agbota
Former Vice presidential, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar has been advised to tread softly, and allow President Bola Tinubu concentrate on governance, instead of heating up the polity and causing unnecessary disunity and distractions.

Renowned socio-political activist and critic, Chief Adesunbo Onitiri in a press statement in Lagos on Saturday, accused Atiku of pursuing his presidential election petition appeal in a most ridiculous, unsatisfactory and absurd manner as if Nigeria’s presidency was his exclusive right alone.

“Atiku must be told in clear language that it is an act of arrogance, insensitivity and a disservice to the entire Nigerians to continue to heat up the political space with Tinubu’s certificate saga, in view of the present daunting economic, hunger, insecurity and other social challenges facing the nation, to which the Federal and state governments are trying assiduously to find solutions.

“Nobody is begrudging or begging Atiku not to pursue his presidential election petition against President Tinubu at the apex court. But it is not acceptable to Nigerians, especially the democrats for him to indulge in self help by trying the case on pages of newspapers, social media, and TV programmes as if he had lost confidence in the Judiciary.

“If Atiku believes he has a good case, he should wait for the outcome of his appeal before the Supreme Court, instead of disgracing the entire Nigerians before the outside world and denting the nation’s image,” Onitiri charged,” he added.

According to Onitiri, Nigeria is bigger than any individual no matter his status in the society, adding that all Nigerians are equal before the law.

He said the 2023 presidential Election had been held and Tinubu won and sworn in as president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

He should be accorded the respect he deserves as President until the Supreme Court decides Atiku’s appeal.

He said Atiku should stop the malice and bitterness being exhibited against Tinubu forthwith and join him in building and moving the nation forward, he added.

Onitiri stressed that the nation belongs to all Nigerians and everybody had equal rights to Nigeria’s presidency and not an exclusive reserve of any section of the country.

“We are not holding brief for our sitting President, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu. Nor are we members of his media team, but as concerned Nigerians and patriotic democrats, we cannot fold our arms and remain unconcerned when the polity is being heated up.

“Also as one of those that fought for the nascent democracy we are enjoying today, we would not wish the nascent democracy being enjoyed since 1999 derailed. Our elections are every four years circle and contestants usually take their destiny in their hands.

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“After each election, the losers will accept their faith and start preparing for another election circle. This is the way Democrats behave.
There is absolutely no need to overheat the political space.

“Also no need to desecrate the Presidency. There must be absolute respect for that position as we are not respecting the holder of the position, but the position itself. As Democrats we must respect the position.

“In other climes, like advanced nations, the players in the polical space respect the positions and show extreme love for their countries. They don’t want to tear their countries into pieces because of elections but alas its not like here.

“In Nigeria the losers are ready to cause mayhem and tear and pull the country down. Isn’t it more than service? Is there any other thing behind it?if you are rejected by the people this time you may be acceptable another time.

“The father of modern America, Abraham Lincoln was rejected many times before he was voted for. In Nigeria here, former president Muhammadu Buhari was rejected several times before he was finally accepted in 2015.

” Politicians should copy our former President Goodluck Jonathan who said his victory did not deserve the blood of any Nigerian when sensed there might be chaos after the 2015 presidential election. He accepted defeat before the election was concluded. He is a hero of our Democracy today.

“Whoever attains the highest position of Mr President belongs to us all and belongs to all the political parties. Therefore we must all respect him. Alhaji Atiku Abubakar should have known better.

“This our country. We have no other country we can call our own. This country belongs to us all. Let us all becareful as whatever we do today becomes history tomorrow,” he said.

The socio-political activist emphasised that it was not right to preempt or blackmail our Supreme Court.

“You cannot also be a judge in your own cause. The recent press conference by Alhaji Atiku was in totality bad taste and a desecration of the highest position in our land (our Presidency.),.

“He has also destroyed the remaining good image of the country, Nigeria and Nigerians because of his ambition. This is not decent enough”, Onitiri noted.


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