From Priscilla Ediare, Ado-Ekiti

The Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Prince Lafeef Fagbemi(SAN) has said the transformation of the country is not the sole responsibility of the federal government.

Fagbemi who said the transformation of Nigeria is not a one man business charged state and local governments to be part of the transformation process by collaborating with the federal government.

The Minister made the remarks at Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti (ABUAD), during a reception organised in his honour by ABUAD’s proprietor and legal icon, Aare Afe Babalola at the weekend, where he called on government at all levels to work together for comprehensive development of the country.

According to him” Transformation of Nigeria is not a one man business. People make the mistake of thinking that it belongs to the federal government alone. It is not correct. The correct position is to appreciate the fact that Nigeria is a federation and when you talk of a federation, each level has to man its post. You have what belongs to the federal government, you have what belongs to the state government and you have what belongs to the local government.

” In order to have any meaningful impact, progress or development, you need to engage each of the tiers of government. Let all of us be on the same page and think on the same thing so that we can all present what I will call comprehensive development of the nation.”

Speaking on his appointment and the
reception, The new AGF hailed President Bola Tinubu for appointing him and thanked Chief Afe Babalola for honouring him with the reception.

He said ,” I look at the reception from the angle of a challenge. When people say they are hosting you, you have done well, you deserve it, you merit it that is just one side. In a scale of ten, it takes about three, the other seven is how do you live up to that expectation or that challenge or that office?

” Getting to a position is not the issue, it is retaining that position or maintaining the status and that is why I said it is a challenge because I know hopes are high. You don’t just savour the encomiums without looking at the flip side. The flip side is the challenge that the appointment has posed, the challenge that the office has raised, the expectation of the people and that is why I mentioned the other time that you don’t just come out and say this is what I will do, you must also follow up on how you will do it and that is why all the critical stakeholders are being engaged to have their inputs, harmonise the views then come out with a satisfied blueprint all along the line of Mr President’s renewed hope agenda.”

The Minister said that his journey with Aare Afe Babalola started many years ago when he joined Emmanuel Chambers ( Founded by Aare Afe Babalola) as a Youth Corp member in 1985. While still with the Chambers, he was conferred with the rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) at the age of 37 exactly 10 years at call thus making him the youngest legal practitioner to ever take the silk at that time. He spent 15 years with Emmanuel Chambers.
With Fagbemi’s new appointment, Emmanuel Chambers has produced two federal Attorneys General, the first was Chief Akin Olujimi(SAN).

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In his speech, Babalola who expressed joy at Fagbemi’s appointment, described him as an uncommon man doing uncommon things and achieving uncommon results. The legal giant added saying, ‘
“as Attorney General, he represents the government but as the Minister of Justice, he represents the people.”

He expressed sadness at Nigeria’s current debt of N87trillion, restating the call for a New Constitution.

He posited that a new Nigeria is sure if there is a new Constitution

According to him, ” I believe that the government is aware of the distressing and unhealthy heritage of N87trillion debt. It is a common saying that when a person inherits suffocating debt, he does not only loose his sleep, he cannot plan for any capital investment. This is why many Nigerians including my humble- self have been urging the government to tackle the fundamental structures that have caused the inequality and poverty in the country.

” While the government may be studying the situation, the truth is that Nigerians are becoming more and more impatient. The age long adage is that we should not treat leprosy with the drugs meant for scabies. I repeat that what we need is a new constitution.

” The new constitution shall mandate political office holders to treat their offices as avenues for rendering service to the people and not for making money.”

On his part, the Governor of Ekiti State, Mr Biodun Oyebanji, hailed the appointment of the Senior Advocate and thanked Chief Afe Babalola for providing the platform where Fagbemi practiced as a lawyer.

” In those days, young people after finishing their youth service will go out to seek greener pastures but Prince Fagbemi stayed in Emmanuel Chambers. He spent 15 years in the Chambers. When he was 10 years in the Chambers he was conferred with SAN, the youngest at that time. And that speaks something about Chief Afe Babalola, it speaks to the fact that, Chief is a talent hunter, a slave driver and one who cares about the people in his Chambers. Because for a man to have served in a place and refused to leave, there must be something juicy in that place.”

Delivering their goodwill messages,
Nigerian Bar Association (Ibadan/ Ado-Ekiti), the family of the new AGF, Mr Sikiru Sanni, his classmate,
Mr Adeyemi Adeyinka, Client, Alhaji Tunde Badmus, friend, Chief Adeniyi Akintola(SAN) and collegue, Mr Kola Olawoye(SAN), appreciated God for the life of the Attorney General and extolled his virtues, noting he has impacted the lives of many who have become great men and women and doing well in various sectors and still impacting lives.

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