Fulani herders’ two-day attack claims 12 villagers, destroys homes, farmlands

From Abel Leonard, Lafia

A few days ago, the peaceful atmosphere of Tattara Mada, Migini, and Angwan Barau in Kokona Local Government, Nasarawa State, yielded to confusion and violence following a two-day attack perpetrated by suspected Fulani herders.

Villagers were sacked and displaced. Homes and property were destroyed in their numbers while several people were killed in the tragic unrest.

Although the exact number of the dead could not be verified, eye witnesses feared that at least 12 villagers were killed in the siege apart from other reported losses and wanton destruction. They said the crisis broke out after a young Fulani pastoralist led his cattle to eat up a sugarcane plantation owned by the villagers.

“This situation grievously angered the owners of the plantation, who beat up the boy for shepherding his animals to eat up their farm” they stated. After recovering from the beating, the boy managed to rear the cattle back to their settlement and reported his travail to his Fulani community.

Back home with injuries, his parents treated him, but unfortunately could not save him. He died a few days afterward. Tension mounted after the story of the boy’s demise spread like wild fire across the Fulani ruga settlement. They were hurt. They threatened to unfailingly avenge his death.

But while the atmosphere was boiling with hate and angst, another incident occurred between the farmers and the Fulani herdsmen. A farmer had gone to his plantation to farm, only to encounter a set of herdsmen and their cattle on his farm lavishly eating away his farm.

A quarrel ensued almost immediately and the unnamed farmer was overpowered and killed. A source, who pleaded anonymity told Daily Sun: “When the farmer failed to return home, his family traced him to his farm only to discover his cold remains.”

By Monday morning, some youths from Tattara community summoned courage and went to the Fulani settlement to find out what had happened. But what they got in return shocked them all.

The source: “They discovered that the Fulani herders had already sent their wives, their children and their cows away. That was the first sign of danger. Just as both parties were arguing over the plantation incident, some armed Fulani men emerged from nowhere and attacked them, killing one of them and injuring a few others.

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“By Tuesday, the situation had degenerated. The herdsmen invaded the affected villages, shooting sporadically into the air and at people of the community. Many ran helter-skelter, fleeing for their lives. Four people at the end of the day were killed on this occasion.

“As it stands, there is high tension in Anza, Kundami, Angwan Mainasara, Angwan Takwa and even parts of Garaku, the headquarters of Kokona Local Government. As I speak to you, 11 corpses are in the mortuary at General Hospital, Garaku, one was discovered this morning (Thursday) and some are nowhere to be found.”

Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Ramham Nansel, confirmed the incident: “According to the report we got from the DPO, one Fulani and two farmers were killed in the crisis. Our people have evacuated the corpses. As I talk to you, our men are stationed permanently in the area.”

Michael Boniface, whose family members had deserted their ancestral home, becoming refugees somewhere at Akwanga, lamented the loss of their properties. He raised concerns over the safety of those who were yet to flee the affected villages.

He believed the unrest and killings would deter farmers in the area from returning to their farms, consequentially affecting the upcoming farming season. He appealed to government to quickly restore peace and build confidence so that people could return home and resume normal lives.

Governor Abdullahi Sule condemned the fight, describing it as most unfortunate. While stressing the need for unity among all ethnic and religious groups, he implored all to live peace.

The traditional ruler of Tattara Mada, Samson Gamu Yare, equally condemned the incident. He prayed for peaceful coexistence among the warring communities and interests. He appealed to his subjects to eschew violence and embrace dialogue as a means of resolving their differences.

He assured the people that he would liaise with the appropriate authorities to ensure that normalcy returned to the affected communities, urging government to take urgent steps to prevent a recurrence. He charged security agencies to intensify efforts in ensuring the safety of lives.

The monarch underscored the importance of farming to his subjects, noting that the attacks and murders at the plantations have disrupted their farming activities.

Member representing Karu/Keffi Keffi Federal Constituency in the National Assembly, Gbefwi Jonathan Gaza, described the incident as unnecessary. During his visit to the area, he appealed to Mada people and the Fulani herdsmen to sheath their swords and allow peace to reign.

A stakeholder, Abdullahi Osanga, said the Federal Government needs to do more to address the insecurity and ensure the protection of lives and properties are protected: “Government must also address the root cause of the conflict between farmers and herdsmen to prevent future occurrences.”

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