CALL him Nigeria’s trap music pioneer and you wouldn’t be far from the truth. In the last couple of years, Ibe Kachikwu’s son, Kach, has been the sole voice of the genre in Nigeria and to date he has released six singles and shot a couple of videos. In this chat with Entertainer, the graduate of Busi­ness Administration from Bath Uni­versity, UK, who spots a trademark Chris Cross beard opens up on the journey so far.

How did you start music? It all began when I was in primary school. I was always drumming on my locker. In secondary school I took it more serious so I started go­ing to the studio recording stuff but it was all a hobby. It was when I got to the university I understood that this was what I would really love to do so after graduation I decided to go professional.

You recently dropped a single. How is it doing?

Wow! The response has been overwhelming. It has received over 600, 000 views on YouTube and that means I have been accepted.

Tell us about grow­ing up and how come you infuse a lot of Yo­ruba into your sound?

All my life I have been around Yoruba people so I am at home with the language. Growing up I had a lot of things many people didn’t have so I thank God for that.

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Why trap music? It is my favorite genre. I noticed that Nigeria was lacking in the genre so I felt like bringing some­thing new so this is the case of an artiste trying to put something new on the table.

What kind of a dad is your father and what advice did he give you? Dad is very understanding. Even if he does not believe in what you are doing, he gives you opportunity to prove yourself. He told me that I shouldn’t let music hold me down and that I should try and fulfill all my potential in life. There has never been any friction between us because dad is very understanding. He is supportive and understands that I have to do what is best for me.

Has your father’s name opened doors for you? It has opened some doors for me but it’s not what you need. You need more than that.

How would you describe the Nigerian music scene? Nigerian music is big now. Look at the likes of Davido and Wizkid. These guys are getting deals from American labels and smiling to the bank. The industry is growing bigger and bigger.

So, any album yet and how many songs? I have a mix tape coming up in the next few months. Watch out for it!

What has been the craziest thing a fan has done to you? (Laughter) There was this fan who was sending me naked pictures on instagram. iIjust looked at them and moved on. I didn’t even reply.

What has been your happiest moment so far? Performing at the Glo CAF Awards. I was honoured to be on stage with d’banj, Juliet Ibrahim and King Sunny Ade. It was such a blessing to share the stage with them. That was my best moment to date.

Who would you like to collaborate with? Wow! I would love to do stuff with Wizkid. He is my favorite Nigerian artist.

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