Laide Raheem, Abeokuta

Ogun State Governor Dapo Abiodun, at the weekend, reiterated that he is not in the public office to witch-hunt anyone or embark on political vendettas.

The governor, who spoke at the grand finale of the 20th edition of Odun Omo Olowu held in Abeokuta, where ancient Owu communities paid homage to the Olowu of Owu, Oba Olusanya Adegboyega Dosunmu, called for the support of people of the Owu Kingdom in achieving his vision for the state.

Abiodun, who stated that he was not in public office to witch-hunt anyone, assured that all sections of the state would fairly benefit in his pursuit of good governance agenda.

The annual event, held at Sokori Arcade in Abeokuta metropolis, had former governor of the state, Gbenga Daniel, as the chairman of the cultural occasion.

Abiodun’s predecessor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun, of Owu extraction, was noticeably absent at the occasion which was attended by Owu sons and daughters from all walks of life.

In his remarks, the governor acknowledged the support he received from Owu communities during the electioneering period and promised to meet their expectations in terms of democracy dividends.

Abiodun explained that his government’s programmes and policies in health, education, agriculture, infrastructure and other sectors were aimed at accelerating pace of development.

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He urged Owu indigenes to continue to promote causes towards preserving the rich cultural heritage of the state.

“We have put in place the foundation if our vision all within the first 100 days of our administration. My request to you is to continue to support us with your prayers and to be patient with us. You’ll find us a worthy partner in this ‘Building Our Future Together Agenda.’

“We have set up the public works agency charged with the rehabilitation of our township roads, and they have started working in the length and breadth of Ogun State.

“In the agriculture sector, we have launched Anchor Borrowers programme. We are empowering 10,000 of our youths with one hectare of land each. We are turning our youths otherwise unemployed to agri-preneurs. We believe that as we empower our youths, there will be corresponding decrease in criminality,” Abiodun stated.

Earlier in his address, Daniel, who is the Aare Ajibosin of Owu kingdom, said the reign of the current Olowu had brought tremendous prosperity, peace and progress to the people and their communities.

The former governor challenged the youths of Owu extraction to also contribute their quota to the development of the state.

Oba Dosunmu, in his speech, said the festival would continue to be celebrated to unify Owu people and engender development of their communities.

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