By Vincent Kalu

The member representing Aguata Federal Constituency of Anambra State in the House of Representatives, Hon. Dom Okafor (Ezechinyelugo), has denied any involvement in the Binance bribery allegation.

A statement signed by his legislative aide, Tochukwu Ejeziem, noted that an online news magazine had published a story linking Okafor with the bribery allegation involving the embattled Binance CEO, Richard Teng.

According to Ejeziem, the said publication was false, baseless and malicious.

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“It is important to state categorically and unequivocally that at no time whatsoever did Hon. Okafor make any comment regarding the bribery allegation by the Binance CEO, or did he at any point in time demand any bribe as implied by the publication.

“In fact, Hon. Okafor has never met with or seen the Binance Chief Executive in his entire life,” Ejeziem said.

He said the House of Representatives held its plenary session on May 8, during which Okafor moved a critical motion on the floor of the House, calling for the investigation of the security breach which led to the escape of the Binance Executive, Nadeem Anjarwalla, from the custody of the National Security Adviser.

Okafor, while demanding an immediate retraction of the story and an apology from the publishers, warned that he might seek redress in the court if his demands were not met.

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