The African Union Commission (AUC) has officially invited the governments of Nigeria and South Africa to take advantage of the hosting rights benefits of the next two editions of the prestigious annual All Africa Music Awards (AFRIMA).

In a letter bearing reference number HHS/CUL/16/170.23 and signed by the AUC’s Commissioner for Health, Humanitarian Affairs, and Social Development, Ambassador Minata Samate Cessouma, the AU said the call aligns with its policies for the strategic transformation of Africa through social integration, as outlined in AU Agenda 2063, the Charter for African Cultural Renaissance, and the AU Plan for Action on Cultural and Creative Industry.

The AU describes AFRIMA as a global platform for celebrating and developing Africa’s diverse musical talents and cultural heritage, highlighting the significant opportunities hosting the prestigious awards presents for the selected host country

A letter received by the Minister of Art, Culture and Creative Economy, Hannatu Musawa,  on behalf of the Nigerian government, reads: “Nigeria, as a beacon in African music with huge young population, should it accept to host AFRIMA, stands a promising chance in elevating the country’s positive global presence, bolstering artistic, tourism and economic growth, fostering cultural exchange and job creation, and reinforcing a positive perception of our continent’s rich cultural heritage on a global scale.”       

The hosting rights of AFRIMA are usually bestowed on a country that shows capacity and commitment to meet the requirements and conditions.

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The Acting Director for Social Development, Culture, and Sports Division, African Union Commission, Ms. Angela Martins confirmed the invitation and request to bid for the hosting rights extended to the two countries.

According to her, AFRIMA provides a unique opportunity for the host country to showcase its rich cultural heritage, develop her music sector, promote tourism, and stimulate economic growth.

“This call to action comes as part of the AU’s commitment to promoting cultural exchange, unity, and economic development across the African continent. We urge the governments of Nigeria and South Africa to seize this opportunity to strengthen intra-African collaboration (in line with AFCTA) within the music industry and enhance their international visibility positively.

“AFRIMA serves as a premier platform for African artists in Africa and diaspora to showcase their talent, gain international exposure, and connect with audiences worldwide,” she said.

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