From Lateef Dada, Osogbo

An Osun State High Court sitting in Osogbo has warned Governor Ademola Adeleke against installing Prince Muritala Oyelakin, as the new Aree of Iree. The court also restrained Adeleke, Commissioner for Justice, Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Matter, and Boripe North Local Council Development Area, from issuing a certificate, instrument, and/ or Staff of Office to Oyelakin as the Aree of Iree or taking any further steps in formally Installing him.

The monarch installed by former Governor Adegboyega Oyetola, Oba Raphael Ademola, had dragged the defendants, including Chief Sobalaje Alao (Osolo of Iree), Chief Saliu Atoyebi (Aogun of Iree), Chief Sanusi Babawale (Inunrin of Iree), Chief James Bankole (Jagun of Iree), and Prince Muritala Oyelakin, to the court.

The applicant in a motion exparte, sought an order of the court, restraining the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th defendant/respondent from issuing the 9th defendant/respondent with a certificate, instrument, and/or staff of office as the Aree of Iree, or taking any further steps in formally installing him as the Aree of Iree pending the hearing and determination of the substantive suit.

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In his ruling, Justice Michael Awe, said: “I do not doubt in my mind having considered the deposition of the applicant together with the attached exhibits as well as counsel’s submissions on same that this application ought to succeed.

“There is indeed an urgent need to maintain the status quo ante bellum pending the hearing and determination of the Motion on Notice for interlocutory injunction also filed in respect of the same matter.

“Accordingly, the Claimant/Applicant’s application succeeds and it is hereby ordered as prayed, and specifically, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th respondents are hereby restrained from issuing the 9th Defendant (Prince Muritala Oyelakin) with a certificate, instrument and/ or Staff of Office as the Aree of Iree or taking any further steps in formally Installing him,” the court held.

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