From Magnus Eze, Enugu

House of Representatives member for Enugu North/Enugu South federal constituency, Chimaobi Atu, has dedicated his February 25, 2023 electoral victory to the presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Peter Obi.

Atu, who was LP candidate defeated the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) flag-bearer, Offor Chukwuegbo.

Chukwuegbo had represented the constituency for three times and was seeking for a fourth term when he was trounced by Atu in the election.

The lawmaker dedicated his victory to Obi, on Sunday, during his inauguration thanksgiving and civic reception at Ugwuaji in Enugu South Local Government Area of the state.

The event attracted dignitaries such as former minister for Power and CEO of Geometric Power Limited, Bath Nnaji; former chairman, House Committee on Aviation, Nnoli Nnaji; Kelvin Chukwu, Atu’s colleagues in the House of Representatives, House of Assembly members, traditional and religious leaders and the Obidient movement supporters.

According to Atu, the former Anambra State governor’s involvement in the 2023 elections, unarguably, changed the political landscape in an unprecedented manner.

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He promised that Obi’s ideology and leadership style will remain his political template.

“My colleagues and I at the National Assembly will remain very grateful to you,” Atu told Obi.

He disclosed that top on his legislative agenda in the 10th Assembly is to give his people effective and quality representation, promising to work closely with the new leadership of the House to achieve his mission in the federal legislature.

“My colleagues in the Labour Party and I are willing to engage in a bipartisan process that will serve our people and the entire country. You will recall that during the first plenary of the 10th National Assembly, I moved a motion on the need to urgently address the growing threat of gully erosion at the New Market/Ugwuonyeama/9th Mile Road. That was the first motion moved by a new lawmaker in the 10th Assembly. The speaker graciously appointed me a member of the House Ad-hoc committee on legislative agenda, this tells you that we mean serious business,” Atu said.

He further disclosed he has commenced arrangement for establishment of a tech hub in Enugu South Local Government Area, while arrangement with the Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy is in progress on where to site another tech hub in Enugu North Local Government to improve the skills of young people in artificial intelligence, coding, web design and social media marketing.

“Agriculture is one critical sector that will gulp my attention in the house; as the world gradually moves away from fossil fuel, agriculture and technology must be given all the backing they deserve. Education is also my top priority, because without education, this nation is doomed; I will also perform oversight functions to ensure quality and time delivery of budgeted infrastructure in our constituency,” he said.

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