From Joseph Obukata, Warri

Suspected gunmen have reportedly invaded the residence of Jonathan Ukodhiko, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) House of Representatives member-elect for the Isoko federal constituency.

It was learnt that the incident occurred at the Erawha-Owhe country home of the lawmaker a few weeks after the March 18, governorship and state House of Assembly elections in the state.

The gunmen numbering over 10 were said to have made away with ten live cows and other animals from the compound after allegedly killing a Hausa man whose livestock were kept under his care.

Confirming the development, a former council chairman of Isoko North Local Government Area, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said: “The invasion took place at midnight which resulted in the carting away of over 10 live cows and other animals from the compound of the member-elect by the hoodlums and they killed the cattle rearer, a Hausa man, and dumped his body in a bush.

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“I think the cattle rearer was not killed in the compound; we suspected he was taken to a nearby bush where he was killed and his decomposing body was found in the bush after several days of search.

“The dastardly act is condemnable and an act of mere wickedness. This is an act that has never been seen in the Owhe clan. The police have taken over the case now but no arrest has been made so far.”

When contacted, Ukodhiko confirmed the story but declined to comment further.

“The issue is before the police and they are investigating the matter. Until the police finish their investigation, I have nothing to say for now. Thanks,” he added.

State Police Public Relations Officer DSP Bright Edafe did not respond to calls placed to his phone, but a police source has said the matter is under investigation.

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