Romanus Ugwu, Abuja
The leadership of the National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN) has alleged that the leaders of the All Progressives Congress (APC) still angry over the dissolution of the National Working Committee (NWC) are behind the spate of attacks on the Attorney General and Minister for Justice Abubakar Malami, SAN.
Speaking at a press conference in Abuja on Wednesday, NYCN National President, Comrade Solomon Adodo, equally claimed that certain persons the former Acting Chairman, Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Ibrahim Magu, worked for are also behind the Chief Law Officer of the country.
“Following the suspension and imminent sack of the former Acting Chairman, EFCC, Magu, many stories have been sponsored in the different media. Most of them, out right lies; some are concoctions and a hotchpotch of deliberate falsehood, dirty imaginations and misdirected vengeful attacks. Which ever way, any story built on lies cannot stand against people of proven integrity.
“The first group of these people not only aim to rubbish the determination of President Buhari to rid the country of systemic corruption, but also to destabilize his government so that an eventual takeover is guaranteed. They began by insinuating that if Magu is guilty of corruption, it means the President has altogether lost it.
“In fact, they claim that by the government allowing him to stay this long, it means the anti-corruption fight is a charade. But this notion is laughable, because it is the same government of Buhari that is probing him now. But we shall deal with this point later.
Another group has focused their attention on the Star Chief Law Officer of federation, the Attorney General and Minister for Justice Abubakar Malami, SAN.
“Their own antics are infantile, comical and full of delusions that one is forced to pity them. You may have seen a building which they claim that Malami built for his son. And you may have read of other properties which they unsuccessfully tried to link him to. “These have all been found to be nothing other than merchandise in falsehood.
Now one would wonder what is Malami’s offence. There may be too many, but we would share with you the ones we know.
Malami is one of those who are close and genuine to President Muhammadu Buhari. He understands clearly, what his vision is, and does everything within the law to actualize that vision,” they claimed.
Specifically accusing the ruling party leadership of unnecessary attack on Malami, the Council said: “Consequent upon point one above, when the APC was headed to an avoidable crisis, with litigations everywhere, Mr. President in his capacity as the authentic leader of the Party announced his endorsement of a National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting. According to the him, he has “sought highest legal opinions…” “That legal opinion is now credited to the Attorney General, Malami. But we dare add here, that if it was Malami alone that gave the President that legal opinion, he gave a very correct legal advice, the APC should remain very grateful to him.
“Following point two above, the NWC was dissolved. We are aware that those who that party leadership was working for are still very unhappy. And since there is a limit to how they can vent their anger on Mr. President, they have chosen to unleash all their venoms on the Attorney General,” NYCN alleged.
The leadership also claimed that: “While the party issue was a matter of subtle plots and psychological combat, the probe of Ibrahim Magu which has opened unbelievable can of worms began. Remember that it was Mr. Malami in his capacity as the Chief Law Officer of the Federal Government that insisted, following intelligence and reports, that Magu should be probed. This has angered some powerful quarters.
“There are people who Magu appeared to have worked for, other than the President and Nigeria he was appointed to work for. To these people, Malami is an eternal enemy for doing his job patriotically.
“There is another group that believe that their political ambitions, which they placed above the Party they hope to achieve those ambitions, have been fractured or scuttled by a simple correct legal advice by the Attorney General of the federation.
“So when you begin to hear about those lies, spurious allegations and smear campaigns, these are some of the reasons. A man was given a job by someone who has faith in him. That man is doing that job honestly and without regards to whose ox is gored, and some people who feel powerful are doing everything to dent him and intimidate him.
“As young people, we say a firm NO! If Malami and those who share the genuine vision of Mr. President are not rallied round, the vultures hanging around will feast on this country and even a carcass may not be left. The Honourable Attorney General and Minister of Justice do not see the need to join issues with anybody because clear conscience fears no accusation. He is a Senior Advocate of Nigeria.
“He knows the law. And we believe he will continue to stay on the side of the law and good morality. But we as Nigerian Youths owe this country a Patriotic duty at this time to defend those who are Patriotic; who are on the side of a good leader, President Buhari; and who are on the side of the law.
For those questioning the success of Mr. President in the Anti-corruption fight, what is happening with Magu is a testimony to the fact that the fight is on a good course.
“Some people who the President trusted with sensitive assignments may sabotage him. But none will escape when found. That is what the Anti-corruption crusade and policy is all about. We thank Mr. President for remaining very committed to this fight. It is a fight to save our future as youths, and we deeply appreciate it,” Comrade Adodo noted.

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