The Archbishop,  Archdiocese of Port Harcourt,  Most Revd.  (Dr.) Sunday Agwu believes that Nigeria does not need another war and all efforts should be made to avoid conflicts among the people. In this interview with TONY JOHN, he spoke on various issues.

What is the cause of the crises in Nigeria?

It is quite unfortunate to witness what is happening in this country. For me,  Nigeria is a  blessed nation,  in deed.  It is only when you have not left the shores of this nation for some other countries,  that you cannot access correctly the quantum of blessing God has given to this nation.  Still, we cannot really manage the resources to take care of the less-privileged. I can assure you that 75 or 80 percent of Nigerians are wallowing in abject poverty. Yet,  we are still blessed.  Any corner you get to,  you find resources that can help sustain the poor people in this nation.  But, our problem has been that of bad leadership.  In fact,  I  want to say it without apologies.  Ninety-nine percent of our leaders go there to share the national cake.  And they forget that,  this cake is meant for them alone; that,  the position they occupy is a privilege.  You say we are copying United States to adopt presidential system of government. And, so,  we have the national, state and local government  levels. In fact,  in those days,  when we had oil boom,  these resources had not been channeled for the betterment of the common man.

When I traveled to South Africa, I  learnt that a former governor of Imo State has a  hotel in the country.  That is just an example of what our leaders do.  What of the late military Head of State,  General Sani Abacha?  How long did he rule Nigeria?  How many accounts did he have overseas?  He had bank accounts here and there,  so that his fourth generation would no longer be poor.  But, this is not what leadership is all about.  Leadership is for service,  for goodness sake.  As I am here,  I have been sent to Port Harcourt to serve Methodist people in Port Harcourt; and not  only Methodist people, to serve the generality of Riverians. That is why I am here.  And that is why I am disposed to serve because I know what God has sent me to do.

For instance,  look at the squalor people are living here in Port Harcourt. Recently,  when I visited a member of this church who lost a 24-year-old child,  I  couldn’t believe that people lived in such a place.  If it rains heavily, how do people live there? This is the kind of situation we are in and yet,  we have plenty of money in this country,  that can be used to set up houses at convenient places and give it to people at moderate charges.

What of food? We rely on oil,  and oil price has gone so low. I am happy government is talking of agriculture.  But,  can it be serious about it, because it will generate food,  employment,  just name it.  Our boys are carrying guns,  stealing,  killing and kidnapping people because there is no job.  They create work for themselves.

Nigerians troop to churches every Sunday.  But,  how many are conscious of obeying the word of God? 

That is another problem. Let’s come nearer home.  Rivers State Governor,  Nyesom Wike, has said in my presence,  that Rivers State is a Christian State.  That is one side of it.  But,  another side is the ability of the people of Rivers State to obey God and respect God’s word faithfully.  This is how I can summarize the problem of this nation in a nutshell.

As a cleric, what are your contributions to tackling the problem?

Personally,  I  don’t relent in praying for this nation.  Even President Muhammadu Buhari, I prayed for him this morning.  I don’t relent in praying because that is what God has called me to do.  That is my own contribution.  Then,  if I mount the pulpit,  I will say it as it is.  I don’t care who is there.  I will say it the way God has led me,  no matter whose ox is gored.  That is my contribution.

React to the Arewa youths’ quit notice to the Igbo living in the North and the militants’ quit  notice to Northerners in Niger Delta and return of oil blocs to the region.

My brother,  that is an aberration.  They are just inviting another war.  If you had witnessed the Nigerian Civil war,  you will understand what I am saying.  I witnessed it.  I was a young man then.  Nobody should pray or do anything to cause another war in this country.  If they want this nation to disintegrate,  let us do it peacefully.  But  I don’t pray for the disintegration of this nation. There is no need everybody going his own way.  There is no point for all this.  God has brought us together and we live interdependent of one another.  For me,  what the Arewa youths are doing,  is an affront to God, because there are certain things the Igbo people are doing for the Northerners that they cannot afford.

Our boys,  who are asking the Northerners to leave the Niger Delta region,  they are also getting it wrong because,  we live interdependent of one another as I said earlier.  There are things you can do for me,  and there are some certain things I can do for you.  It is not by accident that more than 250 ethnic groups in Nigeria answer one nation.  That’s my belief.  And I am calling on this Arewa Youth Forum and the youths in the Niger Delta to sheathe their swords.  Let us learn to accommodate one another.  Let us know that God has planned it that we should be one nation.  Other nations envy us. This nation is blessed,  why not come down and enjoy these blessings God has given us? We should allow one another to exist.

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What is your reaction on the IPOB agitation?

The agitation by the Indigenous People of Biafra is very,  very prominent now.  But,  there is no need for it.  Biafra could have won that war (Civil War). They got to Ore,  but because of sabotage,  they had to retreat.  If God had wanted it,  Biafra soldiers would have gotten to Lagos,  and then, get to Dodan Barracks. But,  God didn’t allow it to happen.  To me,  by that,  God is saying something,  that we should learn to live together.  Look at the number of young people that perished during that war.

I am also calling on Nnamdi Kanu,  thank God,  for touching the heart of government to release him from detention.  He should go and face the work he does for a living and leave this agitation alone.  Let us exist together as a nation.  It is better.  When you want to embark upon anything,  you consider the advantages and disadvantages.  The advantages of living together outweighs the disadvantages.  It is better for us to live together as a nation.  Look at I am in Rivers State, supposing Niger Delta Republic comes to be,  and Biafra,  being the South East, comes to be, that would mean I’m in a different nation now.  I would be a stranger.  But,  I am welcomed in Rivers State because I am a Nigerian.  Riverians,  who are in Abia State are Nigerians. So,  that is my view on the agitation.

What is your reaction to Nnamdi Kanu’s statement that Anambra election would not hold in November?

I read recently where he said that even the 2019 elections would not hold in Biafra land unless there is a referendum.  In fact,  I want to buy the view of someone who wrote in the newspaper,  that it was a mistake that the Acting President,  Prof Yemi Osinbajo,  met with the elders from South East without Nnamdi Kanu.  And the Federal Government said that they did not consider Nnamdi Kanu as a leader of thought in South East. It was also a mistake that when the Federal Government met with the elders in the North,  they didn’t meet with the President of Arewa Consultative Forum.  These are the masterminds of all that are happening.  Government should talk with them.  Having advocated for one Nigeria, I will not support the idea that election will not hold in Anambra State; and in 2019, election should not hold in what they called “Biafra land”.  I am still saying that it  will be better for us to live together as a nation.  All these agitations hinge on one thing,  marginalization.  Yes,  because,  as much as I support President Muhammadu Buhari,  he made a serious mistake.  He went to America and when he was interviewed,  he replied that he cannot give equal attention to someone that gave him five votes and the one that gave 95 votes. It was a serious mistake.  A leader is a father and an elder.  And in politics,  whether the people voted for you or not,  and you win,  you should accept everybody,  and give them a  sense of belonging.

Recently,  the governor of Rivers State,  Nyesom Wike was crying aloud that the Federal Government has not executed any project in the state.  That is very,  very unfair.  How I wished I would have the opportunity to preach,  where either Buhari or Osinbajo would be present. I would tell them straight away.  It is unfair,  everybody should be given a sense of belonging because we are all stakeholders. Go to the South East and see. Just the other day,  I was  preaching where the Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike,  was at Rumueme,  I  said,  Your Excellency,  permit me to make an appeal,  please do something on the road between Eleme and Imo River Bridge. When he was addressing the congregation,  he said he may have to change his mind.  I want to show my gratitude to him that he has started doing something on the road.  Recently,  I  traveled to Aba.  Do you know what happened? As we were approaching Oyigbo junction,  the road blocked.  We had to turn and got to Eleme junction and went to a  diversion that took us to Oyigbo junction.  It took me more than an hour.  That is not good for a nation like this.  The resources are there.  It only calls for prudent management of the resources.  Individuals don’t tar roads.  It is the duty of government to tar roads. Individuals don’t give electricity; it is the duty of government to do that.  Individuals don’t provide pipe borne water.  These three amenities are supplied by the government.  So,  I want to thank the Rivers State Governor,  Nyesom Wike,  for doing something on the road.  I have two bishops in Ogoniland; they don’t attend my meetings because of bad road.  When I call them on phone,  they tell me the road is impassable. Why must we suffer like this amidst plenty God has given us?

Are you satisfied with the fight against corruption?

Fight against corruption in the country seems to be saying that,  whoever that is in All Progressives Congress (APC) cannot be pursued by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). I want to ask,  is it the right thing? That is why we are saying it is lopsided.  Any person that has looted the treasury of this nation should be pursued.  I  support that they should be pursued to vomit it because that is not the essence of being elected into political office; for you to go there and acquire wealth.  It is for you to help the poor and bring orderliness to the society.  It is for you to develop our nation infrastructurally. That is the essence of being in any elective position. It is not for you to go there and enrich yourself.  That is why people are saying it is lopsided.  They are afraid of EFCC.  Who among them in the APC that has been investigated by the EFCC? Some of us support the fight against corruption,  but the way the Federal Government is going about it is wrong.

What is your expectation from the Federal Government?

The Federal Government must ensure that every nook and cranny of this country is given a sense of belonging. No section of this nation should be discriminated against.  In this country,  we are no longer voting for political parties,  we are voting for individuals,  those that can perform. 

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