2018 is just round the corner and many people are already busy making our resolutions. Bu what about love resolutions? Have you made any?

Even if you are happy with the way things are going in your relationship, there is always room for more fun and excitement to make it even stronger.

So, here we have a list of resolutions that couples can work on to take their relationships to a new level.

Spend more time together
So many people are too busy. Life gets in the way and the important things in life tend to fall to the wayside. In 2018, decide to spend more time with your spouse. You can create more date nights or spend more time at home together. Your spouse will appreciate having more of you in their life.

Say yes to little acts of love

Leave a love note, give a long kiss, buy some gifts, make a favourite dish, send an email, text, call or bring home something special that you know your partner loves. Showing that you love your significant other would make them feel happy and secure in the relationship.

Compliment each other often

When was the last time you said “You look fantastic in red”, or “you look absolutely beautiful and sexy” to your partner?  We are always in doubt about our looks, but a positive confirmation from your better half that you look absolutely wonderful or sexy, gives them the confidence that you still find them attractive.

Love with all the imperfections

Be slow to pick on your partner’s faults, instead accept them the way they are because nobody is perfect not even you. Praise your partner’s strength and advice them to work on their weaknesses.

Give more hugs and kisses

Holding hands, a warm hug, brushing a strand of hair from face, a quick kiss, arms on the shoulder, a kiss on the nape of the neck gives your partner a feeling of surety. In absence of these small acts of physical intimacy, sex would feel like a chore. So, do not forget to hold your partner’s hand when you are going out to a party.

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No distraction while talking

Do you often forget what your partner said while you were together? Well, it is time to change that. Put down the TV remote, your phone or whatever it is you are doing, and direct all your attention to one of the most important parts of your life. Let everything else fade out.

Have fun together

Spending time together as a couple is very important in a relationship. It keeps the romance alive. But, that does not mean you need to plan for expensive outings or fancy dinners, just being there with each other is more than enough. A walk in the neighbourhood at night, watching your favourite show on the TV, working on a project for children, pillow fighting or any other mundane activity would seem fun if you both are together in it.

Be more forgiving

If your partner forgot your birthday or did something that hurt you, do not just be angry about it. Express your feelings, try to understand what happened and resolve the issue. Piling up on anger and resentment would cause only despair.

Do something that makes you happy

To grow stronger as a couple, you need to work on yourself first. Doing something like reading a book, going out shopping with your friends, taking a long shower, running, exercising or sewing that gives you pleasure. It would lift your mood and ultimately help your relationship.

Help each other to get better

Do you smoke a lot? Does your partner have trust issues? Nobody is perfect. Each of you may be struggling with a bad habit, so make a pact to get rid of it together. Help each other out in every way you can.

Really listen to each other’s advice
After being in a relationship with someone for a while, it is not uncommon to start taking them for granted. You hear them talk and give you advice so many times that you ignore them.

You don’t have to do that. Your partner has your best interests in mind and realistically, they know you better than you think. You don’t have to always ask them for their advice, but doing it a bit more often, and actually taking that advice to heart, is usually a good idea.