From Fred Itua, Abuja

Hundreds of protesters, yesterday, stormed the national headquarters of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and demanded for the immediate resignation of the chairman of the commission, Mahmoud Yakubu and national commissioner in charge of elections, Hajia Amina Zakari.

The protesters, made up of  women, youths and lawyers, said their call for the resignation of  Yakubu and Zakari, was informed by their refusal to investigate the arrest of three persons in Rivers State, who were found with fake INEC result sheets.

Coordinator of Alliance in Defence of Democracy, Mr. Agu Okwukwe, said the refusal by INEC to probe the incidence was capable of truncating the country’s democracy, as the rights of citizens to have their votes count would have been denied.

“It must not be swept under the carpet. In fact, it must be conclusively investigated immediately and everyone directly and remotely involved brought to book.”

Actions such as this are akin to the incidents that led to the notorious 1983 ‘wild, wild west’ election crisis which ultimately led to the return of military rule in that same year,” he said during the protests.

Okwukwe added: “INEC chairman and national commissioner in charge of elections should resign immediately from office over complicity in the production of the fake INEC results sheets.

“The Police should conduct a thorough and expeditious investigation into the allegations of printing fake result sheets and come out with an official statement and not succumb to the pressure from enemies of the state to destroy the heaps of evidence and sweep the matter under the usual carpet.

“INEC should immediately arraign and ensure diligent prosecution of all persons involved in the production of the fake result sheets including the INEC chairman and others.”

The protesters who spent over an hour at INEC office, temporarily blocked the entrance and exit routes of the expansive complex. They later moved to the entrance of the National Assembly.

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